We’re back with Our annual celebration of Our website.Our website staff members were surveyed At the end of the year to determine which comics would be ranked as the best.All English-language comics material released by publishers were open to everyone, regardless of the genre or format. The overall Top 100 list will be unveiled on Our website later this week.
The list with entries was first made public Earlier this week. 0 to 829XX385 number. Yesterday, entries were made after that. 829XX385 is the number that appears 75-51. The countdown continues every day this week, starting with # 50-26.The following times (Monday through Thursday) are Eastern time: Monday, June 2,3 & 4 July 829XX385post meridiem829Exc.
Start reading by clicking on the items listed below, and if you are deeply moved, go to the page for yourself. Social media. Use the hashtag #CBRTop100 to share your thoughts, And be respectful.
50. Girlmode.

Written by Magdalene Visaggio.
Paulina Ganucheau’s artwork is noteworthy.
The Colors chosen by Avery Bacon.
Letters penned by Julia Tyler.
49. The Pedestrian.

Joey Esposito wrote this.
Sean Von Gorman created artworks.
What are the Colors chosen by Josh Jensen?.
Shawn Lee’s Letters.
48. Betrayal of Dignity.

The Colors were produced by SEMO and Jiyeon.
47. Detective Comics.

Ram V and Tom Taylor are the authors of the Back-Ups by Alex Paknadel and Dan Watters, as Written.
Riccardo Federeci, Stefano Raffaele, Javier Fern á ndez, Christian Duce, Guillem March, and Mikel Jan were the artists responsible for the artworks featured in the back-ups.
The music was composed by Lee Loughridge, Dave McCaig, Luis Guerrero, and Mikel Jan, with additional backing from Patricio Delpeche, Triona Farrell, Francesco Francavilla.
Steve Wands has backed-up the letters, which were written by Tom Napolitano, Ariana Maher, and Wes Abbott.
46. Flash Gordon.

Written by Jeremy Adams.
Art pieces created by Will Conrad and Cliff Richards.
Lee Loughridge’s illustrations are included.
Letters authored by Taylor Esposito.
45. Birds of Prey.

Written by Kelly Thompson.
Leandro Romero, Arist Deyn, Javier Pina, David L ó pez, Jonathan Case, Gavin Guidry, Robbi Rodriguez, Sophie Campbell, Sami Basri, and Vicente Cifuentes were all involved in creating Art.
Jordie Bellaire, Arist Deyn, and Adriano Lucas contributed to the Colors.
The Letters written by Clayton Cowles.
44. Babs.

Written by Garth Ennis.
The artwork of Jacen Burrows is noteworthy.
Andy Troy’s palette includes various Colors.
Letters written by Rob Steen.
43. The Deviant.
Written by James Tynion IV.
Joshua Hixson’s artwork is noteworthy.
Joshua Hixson contributed to these Colors.
Letter from Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou.
42.The Story of Love during the Lunar New Year festivities.

Written by Gene Luen Yang.
The artwork of LeUyen Pham was created by him.
41. Aliens vs. Avengers.

Written by Jonathan Hickman.
Esad Ribi’s artwork is.
Colors selected by Ive Svorcina.
Cory Petit’s written communication.
40. Uncanny X-Men.

Written by Gail Simone.
David Marquez, Javier Garr ó n, Edgar Salazar, and Victor Olazaba all created artwork.
Matthew Wilson’s illustrations.
The Letters written by Clayton Cowles.
39. Tokyo These Days.

Written by Taiyo Matsumoto.
The artwork of Taiyo Matsumoto.
Letters penned by Deron Bennett.

The 100-76 Best Comics of 2024 by CBR.
Our website tradition is once again brought back by The presence of Batman, Wolverine: Revenge and other notable characters in The first installm829XX385entomology.
38. Hate: Revisited.
Written by Peter Bagge.
Peter Bagge’s artwork.
Peter Bagge’s illustrations were used.
Peter Bagge’s Letters.
37. Immortal Thor.

Written by: Al Ewing.
Mart n C ó ccolo, Ibraim Roberson, Carlos Magno, Valentina Pinti, and Jan Bazald — all included in the group.
Matthew Wilson, Espen Grundetjern, and Matt Hollingsworth were responsible for creating the Colors.
Letters penned by Joe Sabino.
36.The abodes of the Unholy Grail.

Written by Ed Brubaker.
The work of Art by Sean Phillips.
The Colors chosen by Jacob Phillips.
Sean Phillips ‘written communication.
35. Absolute Power.

Written by Mark Waid.
The artwork of Dan Mora.
Alejandro S á nchez’s palette includes:.
The Letters written by Ariana Maher.
34. Wonder Woman.
Written by Tom King.
The artwork of Daniel Sampere and Guillem March Tony S.Belé n Ortega and Khary Randolph collaborated on the soundtrack with Daniel, Bruno Redondo, and Caio Filipe.
The palette of Tomeu Morey, Arif Prianto, Jay David Ramos, Leonardo Paciarotti, and Adriano Lucas [back-up photos by Alejandro S á nchez, Tamra Bonvillain, Alex Guimar es] is the most prominent.
The Letters written by Clayton Cowles.
33. Solo Leveling.
Letters authored by Abigail Blackman (Translated into English by J. Crew). Torres).
32. Universal Monsters: Frankenstein.
Written by: Michael Walsh.
The artwork of Michael Walsh.
Toni Marie Griffin contributed these Colors.
Letters penned by Becca Carey.
31. Blurry.

Written by Dash Shaw.
The artwork of Dash Shaw.
The Letters written by Dash Shaw.
New York Review Books is the publisher of this book.
30. Fantastic Four.

Written by Ryan North.
Carlos G ó mez, Ivan Fiorelli, Francesco Mortarino, and Steven Cummings are all artists who have created artwork.
The Colors of Jesus Aburtov and Brian Reber are the same.
The Letters written by Joe Caramagna.
29. Sunday.

Written by Olivier Schrauwen.
Artwork by Olivier Schrauwen.
Olivier Schrauwen’s illustrations are included.
The Letters written by Olivier Schrauwen.
28. Chainsaw Man.
Written by Tatsuki Fujimoto.
Tatsuki Fujimoto created artwork.
Sabrina Heep’s Letters were translated into English by Amanda Haley.
27. Helen of Wyndhorn.

Written by Tom King.
Bilquis Evelyn’s artwork is exceptional.
Matheus Lopes ‘palette includes various Colors.
The Letters written by Clayton Cowles.
26. Green Lantern.

Ron Marz, Sam Humphries and Marc Guggenheim writer Jeremy Adams [Back-up writers] Phillip Kennedy Johnson.
Xermanico, Amancay Nahuelpan, Fernando Pasarin, and Oclair Albert’s back-up artists [Dale Eaglesham, Yasmin Flores Montanez, Kevin Maguire, Matt Clark, Darick Robertson, Montes] contributed to the artwork.
Romulo Fajardo’s 829XX385 and Jupiter 828X8305 colorways [back-up shots] by Alex Guimar, Rosemary Cheetham, Matt Herms, Diego Rodriguez, and Adriano Lucas] are available.