In 334 BC E, you are gazing across a field in Asia Minor, which would eventually be known as Turkey. Overlooking the blue mountains in the distance, the scenery is a mix of bushy trees and gold-green fields. The spring day is bright, with crisp sunshine, but you’re frightened because there will be a major fight to end at this picturesque spot
You are up against the Persians, and your army is under the leadership of Alexander II I of Macedonia, a highly skilled military leader. The Battle of the Granicus is now recognized as the name of this Battle. The first of three battles between Alexander and the Achaemenid Empire was a crucial milestone in Alexander’s conquests
The focus of attention on this ancient battle has shifted recently. The discovery of A 2024 event has renewed interest in this conflict. What did archaeologists discover about this battle? How was it uncovered? Is there another case? The biggest archaeological mystery was finally solved in 2024.?

Witness The initial location Of Alexander The Great’s Mosaic In Pompeii
Observe one of the largest Roman villas at Pompeii and witness Alexander the Great’s conquest of Persia in this well-known painting
How did The Battle Of Granicus unfold?
The Battle of The Granicus has its roots in history, dating back to 334 BC E
Before delving into the major archaeological breakthrough in 2024, it is necessary to comprehend the history of the battle itself. In 334 BC E, Alexander the Great Fought against the Persian Empire in the Battle of the Granicus
It’s easy to overlook that Alexander, who is widely regarded as the most famous person alive, was at a crossroads regarding his destiny. Although Alexander the Great is commonly recognized for his military expeditions and remarkable triumphs in battle, he was still at the beginning of his journey
Prior to This period, he was famous in history for his ability to win battles and achieve greatness Some of the Founding cities that are still on display today , such as Alexandria in Egypt
At the age of 20, He became the ruler of Macedonia in October 336 BC E, which was only a year and eight months ago. He had already achieved a great deal of military triumphs, but they were insignificant when compared to the victories He would later achieve. It is easy to overlook Alexander’s lack of understanding about the historical consequences of his wars and conquests during his lifetime
Darius II I of the Achaemenid Dynasty was in charge of ruling over the Persians During this era. The Achaemenid Persians were responsible for one of the most extensive empires in history, With their rule spanning from the Anatolian coast to the Indus River. The Persian army In Anatolia was under the leadership of Memnon, Arsites, and Mithridates

Why did Alexander choose to conquer The Persians, given that they had been holding onto territories and cities of Greek origin for centuries, such as The Anatolian coast. Alexander’s goal was to liberate these cities, but some people were unwilling to accept the terms of his orders. The Greeks who were Alexander’s adversaries in the Persian war were also his enemies, serving as mercenaries for the empire that controlled them
Alexander the Great’s birthdate: |
July 20,356 BC E |
When did he become the ruler:: |
Ruler of Achaemenid Persia: |
The cause for Alexander’s intention to engage in combat with the Persians was:: |
To free Greek towns along the Anatolian coast |

Discover 10 unforeseen aspects of Working On An Archaeological Dig
Many people dream of going on an archaeological dig, but these 10 facts about digging may surprise you
What transpired during The Battle Of The Granicus?
The Battle of The Granicus proved to be a decisive victory for Alexander
In May 334 BC E, Alexander and his troops entered Anatolia and proceeded to push into Persian territory. Alexander had to make a decision about The location and timing of his attack since The conflict with The Persians had not yet begun. He opted to move forward in early spring and invade the Troad region
Alexander was able to replenish his army’s supplies in the event of victory due to the abundance of resources in This region. By early spring, Alexander could benefit from The favorable harvests that The area would experience in The following years
The Granicus River, formerly known as Biga ay, was the site of the fighting that occurred during the time. Curiously, the battle happened in close proximity to it An archaeological site that still exists today, The ancient city of Troy
It is rumored that Alexander was killed almost twice During the battle. In the beginning, a Persian soldier used his sword to strike Alexander’s helmet. Alexander was fortunate enough to be able to avoid the blow with the helmet on his head. AP ersian man tried to kill Alexander from behind, but one of his soldiers caught him and he saved his commander’s life
In the end, Alexander was defeated by the Persians, who suffered significant casualties. Mithridates, the son-in-law of Darius, was Among those who perished, including Alexander who took his life
Tribute was given to Greece following the battle, and inscriptions and statues were erected at Olympus to commemorate the event. It wasn’t the last time Alexander had a victory over the Persians
Alexander’s life was transformed by This battle, which was one of many that occurred Warfare that altered the course of history The battle’s aftermath is particularly distressing due to the fate of Greek mercenaries who fought for the Persians; Alexander detained approximately 2,000 soldiers under his command. They were enslaved to punish them for supporting the Persians instead of him
At what time did the Battle of the Granicus occur?: |
The Persians were defeated for the first time by Alexander. 2,000 Greek mercenaries were enslaved |

The discovery of a 1,800-Year-Old Roman Artifact Near Hadrian’s Wall Is An important step in Archaeology
The discovery of A valuable treasure at Carlisle’s Roman Bathhouse has underscored the significance of religion on the frontiers of Rome
How Is The Major 2024 Discovery Related To The Battle Of Granicus?
For those who study Alexander, 2024 was a turning point
A helmet and an inscription are not The only ancient artifacts discovered during The Battle of The Granicus, as this is The entire site of that battle!
While Alexander’s history is extensively researched, the archaeology of his conquest demands more scholarly analysis. Long after The Battle of The Granicus was fought, it became lost in The precise location. In 2024, research has indicated a possible site where Alexander could have won decisively As reported by LiveScience
The discovery was made by a team Led by archaeologist Reyhan Körpe, which had been previously identified at another site. Hermaion was the final destination where Alexander’s forces were stationed before the battle. The identification of this site prompted the use of geomorphological research to reconstruct the likely location of the battle
Even though other areas have undergone significant changes over the past two millennia, such as the Arctic and Indian Oceans, the landscape has remained unchanged Rome, the most renowned and eternal city in Italy , this area hasn’t changed drastically. Despite the existence of other marshes in the area since ancient times, the river’s course has remained constant
In 2024, bones and weapons that scholars believe are from the era of Alexander probably were found At an adult male’s residence on a nearby hill. The information presented may correspond with the historical accounts of the battle, which indicated that Alexander had set up troops on a hill in the vicinity
Near Hermaion in Turkey |
How it was discovered: |
Although further excavation is required at this location, this discovery is a significant breakthrough for archaeologists, particularly those studying Alexander the Great and the history of Greece