ArticleThe Care and Growth of a Lemongrass Plant

The Care and Growth of a Lemongrass Plant

Lemongrass A rare plant that is both scrumptious and visually stunning. Its zesty herb can be perfectly blended with smooth Thai chicken soup, grilled chicken, or cooked in a peanut butter curry. It is highly valued for its health benefits and is frequently used in body scrubs and soaps

Lemongrass is an ornamental plant that adds a lot of beauty to your landscaping. Lemongrass is a simple plant to grow and care for, making it an easy choice for those who are new to gardening. We talked with experts about the proper care of this wonderful herb, from sunlight and soil to fertilizer and pruning

  • Keegan Nesvacil , gardening expert and co-founder of Woodland Tools Co
  • David Harris , director of crop research and development at Freight Farms

How can you incorporate Lemongrass into Your landscaping?

Lemongrass can be cultivated in two ways: either by seeding or from a garden supply store, where You can buy fully grown plants

Growing From Seed

Lemongrass can be easily cultivated from seed and begins to sprout within a few weeks. To maximize the growth of lemongrass seeds, Keegan Nesvacil recommends planting them 1/16 of an inch below the soil and allowing light to germinate. “It’s crucial to avoid drying out the seed, as this will hinder germination from progress.”. ”

To ensure proper conditions, place a clear cup over the top of the seed to help trap moisture and heat. Alternatively, grow your seeds in a small greenhouse that stays humid. It takes about 10 to 14 days for lemongrass seeds to germinate. Once it reaches 4 inches tall, you can transfer it to a sunny spot in your garden.  

Purchasing Plants

Alternatively, you can purchase mature lemongrass plants of various sizes.” When shopping for lemongrass plants, be on the lookout for firm and fresh feeling stems “says David Harris, director of crop research and development at Freight Farms.” Also, opt for a younger, gentler, and ultimately more tender plant, as a younger plant has more room to grow once brought home. ”

How to properly Care for lemongrass?

Due to its tropical climate, Lemongrass needs a lot of light, heat, and moisture. Whether your lemongrass grows in a beautiful pot on your garden, this is accurate Kitchen windowsill , a hydroponic setting, or outdoors.  


Lemongrass is a water-intensive crop. According to Harris, lemongrass grows better in tropical areas because it can tolerate moisture compared to non-tropical plants. Maintain the soil’s moisture by hydrating it with water as needed. Maintaining oxygen in the water during hydroponically grown plants is crucial for promoting healthy root growth and a strong plant.  


Warm and sunny weather is the ideal habitat for this plant. Ensure that you have at least six hours of natural sunlight Indoor LED light Every day.  


Lemongrass thrives in a well-groomed environment Sandy soil That’s nitrogen-rich. Clay soils are a challenging environment for this plant. The addition of mulch to the top will aid in retaining moisture in the soil, as recommended by Nesvacil.   


The use of a slow-release fertilizer is recommended for maintaining healthy nitrogen levels during growth. According to Harris, it is advisable to use a fertilizer once. Every week in the summer months.” During the colder season, it is recommended to apply fertilizer once a month. “.”


Pruning helps maintain the shape and size of your lemongrass and is also important for removing dead or diseased blades. Harris recommends trimming off about 4 to 6 inches anytime the grass grows surpasses 1 foot. “From there, you can let the leaves grow back and trim again” he says.   

Transplanting Lemongrass Plants

Lemongrass plants grow up to 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, so you may want to divide and transfer the plant. Fortunately, this process is fairly simple, and you can even yield multiple plants from the mother plant.  

“When transplanting lemongrass, it is critical to keep as many roots intact as possible. To best do that, dig a shovel deep into moistened soil to capture all of the roots possible” Nesvacil says. Once extracted, cut and divide the plants if desired. Nesvacil notes that it’s important to include several roots in each section for a successful transplant.  

Common Problems With Lemongrass Plants

Like all plants, lemongrass may be affected by various garden funguses, diseases, and distress. Using a fertilizer encourages healthy growth and pruning can prevent disease spread and nix dead leaves. Be on the lookout for the following signs your lemongrass plant needs extra attention.  


Thanks to all that moisture, lemongrass is prone to experiencing mold. This typically shows up at the bottom of the crown. If indoors, move it to a place with better ventilation and monitor humidity levels. If outdoors, pull back on watering and keep an eye on the plant.  

For both indoor and outdoor plants, it’s helpful to remove any moldy blades to prevent spread. Another way to address mold is “to dilute hydrogen peroxide, transfer the hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle, and spray that onto any lemongrass plants with mold” Harris says.  

White Spots 

Although lemongrass has natural repellent qualities—it’s known for keeping mosquitos away—it is not immune to insects. “Depending on the time of year and your location, some lemongrass plants may experience spider mites, which are a sucking pest that leave a web and can cause white spots on the leaves” Harris says.  

Brown, Droopy Leaves 

Lemongrass may require a lot of moisture, but it’s still susceptible to overwatering. Brown leaves are a sign your plant has received too much hydration. Pull back on the watering schedule, if possible. If Mother Nature keeps watering your plant, you may want to transfer it indoors to recover.   

Brittle Leaves 

While sunlight is important for lemongrass, it can receive too much. “Too much direct sunlight can result in its leaves becoming dry and brittle” Harris says. “A solution for this would be to tent the lemongrass with plastic to resemble a greenhouse effect or to move it inside in a container and use LED grow lights.”

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