ArticleCould Your teenager Be negatively impacted by being Called a 'Bop'?

Could Your teenager Be negatively impacted by being Called a ‘Bop’?

The pressure on today’s teenagers is excessive without reason New slang Coming to the internet to humiliate them. However, this is precisely what’s occurring in schools and on social media platforms. Another instance is the “lala bop” or school bob, which refers to a simple and uncomplicated phrase. “This may seem harmless, but it’s actually hurting teenagers and tweens alike.”

As a mother of two teenagers, I’m sure you all have heard the term “bop” before Dawn Bounds, PhD , an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Irvine Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing, specializes in social media and adolescent mental health. “She admits, ‘I had to look it up” she says. ”

When she did, however, Dr. Bounds was unsettled by what she learned. “A ‘bop’ is a person who [teens] claim has had sex with multiple people, “she explains. But this modern form of” slut shaming “goes beyond name-calling—users claim to provide digital proof, whether real, taken out of context or entirely fabricated

What Does’ Bop ‘Mean in Slang?

The slang term” bop “is used to shame individuals, often young women, by labeling them as promiscuous due to having multiple sexual partners Titania Jordan , Chief Parent Officer at Bark Technologies and co-author of Parenting in a Tech World Offers more background into this cringeworthy trend. “It started in late 2022, when a TikTok user posted a song called ‘Lala Bop. ’ This song has since started being used in call-out videos that shame people for allegedly dating around or being promiscuous, ” Jordan tells Parents

Drive Bounds further explains how the trend spreads on social media. “The post often includes a picture of the person a TikTok user is shaming and claims that this person sleeps around and/or that they engaged in other sexual acts with a specific number of people, ” she adds.  This type of Targeted humiliation Is a form of slut shaming, a harmful practice that reinforces double standards around sexuality, particularly for young women

What Is Slut Shaming?

Slut shaming is the act of criticizing or humiliating someone for their real or perceived sexual behavior

The majority of the time, young girls are the primary targets of this cruel term. “It implies that they have a high ‘body count, ’ which is slang for how many people someone has hooked up with” says Jordan. ” [These so-called] ‘bops’ may not even be true and could just be vicious rumors circulating. ”

The videos are a manifestation of this Cyberbullying It is important to take this matter seriously. The Drive reports that the social media trend is a way to bully, shame, or exclude someone, as well as being detrimental to their social and mental health

If someone were to search for” bop “or” school bop “they would find many examples on social media, such as this one One video A boy being” caught “talking to the” school bop “is acted out by two high school students. The boy appears in the video with the accused girl, pretending not to have any romantic feelings towards her and sarcastically asking” What’s up with this bop? She has 66 bodies. The video seems to be ridiculing students who associate with peers who are being targeted by this trend

Dawn Bounds, PhD

This trend appears to be a tactic to bully, shame, or exclude someone, which can have detrimental effects on their social and mental health,

— Dawn Bounds, PhD

Nevertheless, some young individuals are fighting back against the classification by uploading videos that denounce their detractors. The counter-videos have been discovered by Bounds, who believes that this can be an effective method for those who feel they cannot do it themselves Comfortable speaking out

Her recommendation is to seek support from friends, family, and other positive individuals when making a counter video for teenagers who may not have the confidence or courage to do so. “This trend has already sparked some criticism, with some individuals labeling it as cruel and calling for its cessation. ”

Why The Term ‘Bop’ Is So Harmful

The “bop” slang trend isn’t just a joke—it falls under the umbrella of cyberbullying because it publicly shames, targets, and humiliates individuals, often without any factual basis. Here’s why this trend is harmful:

Public shaming and humiliation

Unlike private teasing or rumors, “bop” accusations are broadcast to a wide audience, often reaching hundreds or even thousands of people. The Permanence of social media Means these posts can follow the targeted person long after the initial video gains traction, leading to lasting embarrassment and social consequences

Misinformation and false accusations

Many accusations made in “school bop” videos are based on rumors or outright fabrications. In some cases, individuals are labeled as “bops” simply out of spite, jealousy, or as part of a joke—without any actual evidence. False accusations can spread quickly and can be incredibly damaging

Emotional and psychological impacts

Being labeled as a “bop” can have serious mental health consequences. Victims of online shaming may experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. Research has shown that cyberbullying can lead to increased stress Difficulty concentrating in school , and withdrawal from social activities. The fear of being ridiculed online can also make teens hesitant to engage with their peers, affecting their social development 1.

Reinforces harmful gender stereotypes

The “bop” slang term disproportionately targets young girls, reinforcing outdated and sexist beliefs about female sexuality. While boys who engage in similar behaviors may be praised or seen as “cool” girls are often shamed and labeled negatively. This double standard perpetuates Harmful gender norms That can shape how young people view relationships, self-worth, and body image

Encourages a culture of harassment

These videos don’t just shame individuals—they also invite others to participate in the bullying. Comments, likes, and shares amplify the harassment, making the victim feel even more isolated

How Parents Can Support Their Children

Until this harmful trend comes to a definitive end—though, realistically, that may take time—there are steps parents can take to help support their children who may be affected by the slang term “bop.”

Jordan advises parents to start with the distressing video and watch it with their child. This may be a challenging task, but it provides parents with ample time to comprehend the importance of this The magnitude of the mistreatment

Following that, ensure your adolescent learns the correct method of reporting harmful content to the social media site. Online bullying is no longer tolerated, as it empowers them

Adolescents require empathy and acceptance, particularly when faced with online bullying. Jordan suggests that one can let their loved ones know they care for them without hesitation, even if it means discussing alternative options like anonymously reporting their behavior to school authorities

What parents should do in a situation where Social media trend is threatening A teen’s well-being is dependent on their ability to turn it into a moment of life. Learn from the lasting impact of hurtful words, gossip, videos, or memes posted on social media, as Jordan suggests

Developing Healthy Boundaries Online

Online boundaries training is crucial for your child’s well-being. These three topics and relevant questions are recommended for Jordan to discuss with your teenager::

  • Consent: Is it within someone’s rights to post a video that uses the term “bop” to refer to another person?
  • Digital literacy: How can you be certain that someone is being treated fairly when they are being unfairly criticized? Is it feasible for someone to fabricate negative information about another person, and what drives them to do so?
  • Judgment: What is the criterion for determining whether someone’s actions are “bad” or justifiable enough to be labeled as a “bop”?

Drive829xX085 Bounds provides insight into how to communicate with adolescents about abrupt changes in their behavior Social media trends Like “bop. Parents should be aware that online trends can have lasting effects, as they may not correspond with the reality of what teenagers are seeing or hearing. The perilous act of revealing one’s sexuality to others and the permanence of such decisions should be discussed. ”

In the spirit of making everything a teachable moment, she also notes the importance of discussing the rise of this derogatory term, “Not only is it an opportunity to Talk about sex And social media use, but it is also an opportunity to explore their friend dynamics and mental health, “Drive Bounds explains.” Take some time and ask how they feel about the trend, how they’re feeling in general, and how they’re feeling about their relationships both romantic and platonic. ”

If you suspect your child is bullying another due to this trend, it’s time to take a stand against them. The key is to sit and talk, because that’s the most important thing. Listen to your child’s perspective and observe their reactions. The message from Jordan is to acknowledge your love for them, but also recognize the need to modify their bullying behavior

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  1. Current viewpoints on the effects of cyberbullying on adolescent health Adolesc Health Med Ther 2014.

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