CE OO rbi Conecta inicia 2025 com novo
Christiano Xavier takes charge with the aim of advocating for social change through negotiation and advocacy
Sede dos dvidas de Conecta, na Lagoinha, and em Belo Horizonte Foto: Camila Rocha
The most important hub of the Brazilian economy is O rbi Conecta. Come to Minas Gerais in 2025 and start working on a new leader, with Christiano (Xavier) as CEO, no longer in possession of Dany Carvalho
Despite being on the legal side of the business, Christiano was not only invested as an investor but also supported projects like EdTech Future Law, LSD (Legal Sensory Design), Blue Tape and Hub e Inversidad. Isso que foi executivo da Localizaço para o pas e exterior. Similarly, you are also working as an expert in the field of finance and taxation. Having been reconfirmed on the Cubo, Chris had over 400 projects of inovaço that led to many prestigious companies and books
Negatives em promover impacto social delineado pescar da inovaço com época criativa, para qualidade and progno imático do Belo Horizonte. “As qualidades de resultados, vamos aprendir nos resultá-los”, reaffirm Christiano Xavier
Christiano Xavier. Do you happen to know the CEO of Orbi Conecta?
Demonstrating the importance of integration and environmental preservation, we revisited our connection to important hubs of innovation, technology, digital transformation across Brazil and beyond. We also emphasized digitization and digital contribution to transformative practices in relation to global markets