Article15 Mediterranean diets Packed With Vegetables and plenty of nutrients

15 Mediterranean diets Packed With Vegetables and plenty of nutrients

The Mediterranean diet is a prevalent eating habit in countries situated along the Mediterranean coast. The diet of different countries is influenced by their own traditions and customs 1.

The diet typically includes vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, dairy, and seafood 1.

Studies indicate that the Mediterranean diet offers significant health benefits, and a greater proportion of it is derived from vegetables. According to certain studies, the Mediterranean diet consists of 3-9 servings of vegetables per day 2.

Conversely, 90% of Americans don’t eat enough vegetables even though the recommended daily intake is 2-3 servings 3. 4.

1. Artichokes

The world’s leading producers of artichokes are certain countries in the Mediterranean region 5. A serving of a large artichoke (weighing 162 grams) contains 23% magnesium, 28% folate, 20% vitamin K, and 10% iron and vitamin C 6.

Artichokes are a vegetable that is rich in fiber. About one-third of the daily fiber intake recommended by the American Dietary Guidelines is found in a large artichoke, which contains 9 grams of fiber 7. Fiber Enhances blood sugar control, digestive health, weight management, and cardiovascular health 8.

2. Asparagus

In Ancient Egypt and Greece, culture was developed Asparagus , which is native to the Mediterranean region 9. Vitamins K and E are present in asparagus, along with folate. A cup (134 grams) of vitamin K provides 46% of the DV 10. The presence of Vitamin K is essential for bone health and helps prevent clotting during bleeding 11.

3. Beets

Beets Are usually roasted, pickled or added to salads in the Mediterranean diet

Nitric oxide is produced in the body from beets, which are also sources of nitrate. Your blood vessels will be widened by nic oxide, which improves blood flow and lowers your blood pressure. There is limited evidence to suggest that beetroot juice has an effect on blood pressure reduction 12.

4. Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are a significant part of the Mediterranean diet. They are commonly used in salad dressings, stews and dishes such as meat-stuffed bell peppers

Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that can prevent cell damage and disease, is a significant component of bell peppers ‘nutritional value. Immune support and wound healing can be enhanced by incorporating Vitamin C into the diet. For one bell pepper, the DV is greater than the medium Vitamin C 13.

5. Carrots

Carrots are a versatile ingredient in various dishes like soups, stews and salads as well as mezze (avocado) Mediterranean appetizer They are a fantastic source of inspiration Carotenoids Beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin are all present in plant foods. The carotenoids found in fruits and vegetables contribute to their yellow, orange, and red pigmentation 14.

Certain carotenoids are converted into vitamin A, which assists in the promotion of cell growth and development. The eyes, lungs, heart, and other organs require it for their normal functions 14. A carrot weighing 61 grams has more than 56% of the vitamin AD V that one would expect from a vegetable 15.

6. Eggplant

Eggplant Is ranked among the top five vegetables worldwide. Greece introduced it to the Mediterranean in the 13th century. The Middle East and Mediterranean are the primary locations where it is grown 16.

Small amounts of vitamins and minerals are also found in eggplants. The eggplant skin is abundant in nutrients Anthocyanins , strong antioxidant compounds that give fruits and vegetables a purple color 17.

The majority of polyphenols found in eggplant flesh are chlorogenic acids, which are also known as antioxidant plant compounds 17. Studies conducted on chlorogenic acid have revealed a potential to elevate blood lipid (fat) levels 18.

7. Garlic

Mediterranean cuisine is centered around the inclusion of garlic. Research indicates that garlic has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has the potential to boost both metabolic and cardiovascular health 19.

A study has revealed that garlic can have a beneficial impact on blood lipid levels, according to research. The decrease was modest, necessitating further research to validate the benefits 20.

These studies usually employ garlic extract, supplements, or large quantities of products such as garlic powder. It is unlikely that a standard diet will contain those levels of nutrients Garlic , but adding garlic to your meals can help you get more of its beneficial compounds 20.

8. Leafy Green Vegetables

Leafy green vegetables Are frequently used in the preparation of Mediterranean dishes, such as salads. They contain a variety of nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K. T he presence of minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, folate, magnesium, and iron in leafy greens is significant 21.

Leafy green vegetables include:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Bok choy
  • Chard
  • Collard greens
  • Grape leaves
  • Cress
  • Dandelion greens
  • Mustard greens
  • Swiss chard

The greens also contain high levels of nitrate, which is linked to a lower incidence of common heart diseases

People who consumed green leafy vegetables almost daily had a 16% lower chance of developing heart disease than those who ate them minimal, according to one review. The findings were based on self-assessed daily intake, which may not be precise 22.

9. Mushrooms

Soups, stews and risotto (all types of food served with mushrooms), pasta dishes, salads or mezzes are all accompanied by mushrooms in the Mediterranean diet

B vitamins, including B3, B5, and B7 (biotin), are present in mushrooms 23. B vitamins are essential for energy production and metabolism 24.

Mushrooms also contain Vitamin D , which helps support bone health, immune function, and mood. The exposure of mushrooms to UV light, such as sunlight, for 15-20 minutes can result in an increase in their vitamin D levels 25.

10. Onions

Onions are a common ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, often served with oil during meals 26.

Onions Encompass a multitude of compounds associated with metabolic health advantages. According to a review, supplementing with onions can improve blood lipids, including cholesterol, and may aid in weight control 27.

The studies utilized concentrated amounts of onion, which were much more than the customary diet onions 27. Consuming onions regularly may still have an impact on heart health and metabolic function

11. Potatoes

The Mediterranean diet, like many other cuisines, emphasizes the consumption of potatoes. The DV is more than 25% higher in a medium potato (213 grams) as it contains high levels of potassium 28.

The risk of high blood pressure can be elevated by consuming too much potassium and following a high-sodium diet. Eating more Potassium Consuming foods that are high in nutrients can help to lower both blood pressure and heart disease 29.

12. Pumpkin 

Among the Mediterranean diet, pumpkin is a popular ingredient in soups, pasta, and desserts. The diet contains high levels of vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin, among other carotenoids. It also contains vitamin E, a vital mineral for your skin, eyes, brain and other functions 30.

Don’t throw away the pumpkin when cooking Seeds These foods are a valuable source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats 31.

13. Radishes

Radishes Roasted or pickled vegetables are the most common ingredients used in cooking and dressings. Several molecules have potential health benefits that are included in their composition. Although there are few studies indicating that radishes can lower blood sugar, it is unlikely that daily consumption will reach the amount used in these studies 32.

14. Tomatoes

The Mediterranean diet consists of both raw and cooked tomatoes, which are considered essential in the diet. Carotenoids and vitamins A, C, and E are present in these foods, which possess antioxidant properties 19.

The colors of tomatoes vary greatly, and their color also reflects the compounds found in them. Red tomatoes are a rich source of nutrients Lycopene 19. Studies conducted on lycopene suggest that it may have advantages for skin, eye health, and heart health 33.

15. Zucchini 

Zucchini Encompasses a high proportion of carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin 34. The protective effects of carotenoids can enhance eye pigments by enhancing light damage and protecting the eyes from harmful substances like sunlight 35.

Mediterranean Plant-Based Diet Plans

The consumption of vegetables and fruits is the primary source of nutrition Mediterranean diet Despite the consumption of animal products like seafood, lean meats, and eggs, its advantages are often linked to plant-based foods 1.

Protein, fats, and fiber are among the nutrients that can be obtained from whole grains, legumes like pecans or nuts, as well as seeds and seeds 1. These foods, paired with vegetables, can be utilized in a variety of Mediterranean dishes. Here are a few suggestions::

  • Peppers stuffed with quinoa and eggs 36.
  • In a potato bowl, broccoli, tomatoes, cucumber, and chickpeas were tossed 37.
  • Hummus dip that combines roasted vegetables and hummus 38.
  • Spinach, peppers, tomatoes, and cheese are used to prepare a fritata 39.
  • Eggplant, zucchini, red peppers, tomatoes, garlic, and onion are used in a Ratatouille dish 40.
  • A stuffed pasta shell with ricotta and pumpkin filling 41.
  • Greek yogurt on top of pancakes with zucchini and Parmesan 42.
  • Beet salad: Sweet potato, arugula and wild rice (all in olive oil and spices) 43.
  • A salad with lemon and shallots and asparagus 44.
  • Pressure-cooked artichokes are cooked with olive oil, garlic, parsley, and oregano 45.

AQ uick Review

The Mediterranean diet places a strong emphasis on vegetables. They are commonly prepared in cooking methods such as sautéing, roasting or consuming raw in salads, and sometimes combined with soups and stews. Their sources are abundant in vitamins, minerals and fiber along with other beneficial compounds

Mediterranean vegetables such as eggplant, artichoke, leafy greens, beets and peppers are popular. Maintain a daily vegetable intake of at least 2-3 servings to maintain good health

Edited by

Hannah Harper

Health’s wellness editor, Hannah Harper, is a contributing writer. Her career highlights include working as an associate editor, assistant editor and editorial assistant for Health. She provides advice on topics such as nutrition, women’s health, and more

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  1. Godos J, Scazzina F, Patern Castello C, et al Understanding the traditional features of a true Mediterranean diet is crucial for global adoption of this “Planeterranean” diet JT ransl Med 2024; 22 (1): 294. Doi: 10.1186/s12967-024-05095-w

  2. Mister is the designated representative for Rishor-Olney CR and Hinson Mediterranean diet In: StatPearls StatPearls Publishing; 2025.

  3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Americans are required to follow the recommended fruit and vegetable intake for adults in 2019.

  4. American Heart Association An infographic provides information on the serving sizes of fruits and vegetables

  5. Feiden T, Valduga E, Zeni J, Steffens J Bioactive compounds from artichoke and potential applications Food Technol Biotechnol 2023; 61 (3): 312-327. Doi: 10.17113/ftb.

  6. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Raw artichokes, originating from the globe or French regions, are available for purchase

  7. U. S. Is the name given to the Department of Agriculture in the United States, which also includes the Health and Human Services The 2020-2025 Dietary Plan for Americans is currently being developed  

  8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Carbohydrate in The form of fiber is essential for managing diabetes

  9. Olas B The health benefits of Asparagus officinalis L. A nd its components Foods 2024; 13 (2): 288. Doi: 10.3390/foods13020288

  10. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Asparagus, raw

  11. The Office of Dietary Supplements under the National Institutes of Health Health professionals ‘resource on vitamin K

  12. Benjamim CJR, Porto AA, Valenti VE, et al In patients with arterial hypertension, beetroot juice nitrate may lower blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Front Nutr 2022; 9: 823039. Doi: 10.3389/fnut. 2022.823039

  13. The Office of Dietary Supplements under the National Institutes of Health Health professionals’ resource on vitamin C with a helpful Fact sheet

  14. The Office of Dietary Supplements under the National Institutes of Health Health professionals ‘resource on vitamin An and carotenoids

  15. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Carrots, raw

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  19. The authors are Naureen Z, Bonetti G, Medori MC, and others Mediterranean diet – Garlic and Mediterranean legumes JPMH 2022; 63 (2 Suppl 3): E12. Doi: 10.15167/2421-4248/jpmh2022.63.2S3.2741

  20. The authors are Du Y, Zhou H, and Zha W A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials has revealed that the consumption of garlic may decrease the likelihood of developing dyslipidemia JH ealth Popul Nutr 2024; 43 (1): 113. Doi: 10.1186/s41043-024-00608-1

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  22. Tan, Stagg, Hanlon, and others have similar results The impact of vegetable nitrate intake on the risk of cardiovascular disease and death: A systematic review Nutrients 2024; 16 (10): 1511. Doi: 10.3390/nu16101511

  23. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Mushrooms, white button

  24. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ‘Eatright publication. Org What are B vitamins?

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  26. Rinaldi de Alvarenga JF, QuiferRada P, Westrin V, Hurtadé Barroso S, TorradoPrat X, LamuelaRaynoldós RM The polyphenol content in tomato sauce is raised by cooking Mediterranean sofrito at home JS ci Food Agric 2019; 99 (14): 6535-6545. Doi: 10.1002/jsfa. 9934

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  28. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Raw potatoes, along with their flesh and skin, are available

  29. The Office of Dietary Supplements under the National Institutes of Health Information on potassium is provided to health professionals

  30. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Pumpkin, raw

  31. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture Pepitas, seeds, and raw pumpkin seeds are all available

  32. Banihani S The association between Radish (Raphanus sativus) and diabetes Nutrients 2017; 9 (9): 1014. Doi: 10.3390/nu9091014

  33. Shafe MO, Gumede NM, Nyakudya TT, Chivandi E. A re all developmental psychologists and medical practitioners The powerful antioxidant lycopene has numerous health benefits JN utr Metab 2024; 2024 (1): 6252426. Doi: 10.1155/2024/6252426

  34. U. S. T he FoodData Central is managed by the Department of Agriculture The summer squash, zucchini, and its skin are both present in the raw form

  35. The authors are Wilson LM, Tharmarajah S, Jia Y, Semba RD, Schaumberg DA, and Robinson KA A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of ingestion of lutein/zeaxanthin on human macular pigment optical density Adv. Nutr 2021; 12 (6): 2244-2254. Doi: 10.1093/advances/nmab071

  36. American Heart Association: Recipes Quinoa peppers, stuffed with

  37. U. S. D epartment of Agriculture: MyPlate A mashed potato bowl with a side of vegetables

  38. American Heart Association: Recipes Hummus

  39. American Heart Association: Recipes Greek frittata with roasted red bell peppers, spinach goat cheese and Greek salad

  40. U. S. D epartment of Agriculture: MyPlate Ratatouille

  41. U. S. D epartment of Agriculture: MyPlate Pumpkin ricotta stuffed shells

  42. American Heart Association: Recipes Zucchini parmesan pancakes

  43. American Heart Association: Recipes The salad is made up of sweet potato, wild rice, and beets

  44. American Heart Association: Recipes Lemon-infused broiled asparagus

  45. American Heart Association: Recipes Roman style artichokes

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