Nothing compares to the experience of an Energy crash Give your day a run for its money. Especially when you have things to do and places to visit, or can’t sleep well in the dark on a cold winter afternoon, this can be particularly frustrating. Maybe it’s tempting to do so Grab a caffeinated drink Hopefully, things will go smoothly, but it’s not the sole option you have. Food can Fuel your body And Reduce hunger , so long as you pick the right foods. Discover the most effective foods for boosting your energy and learn how they can help you stay active throughout the day, according to dietitians
- Maddie Pasquariello , MS, RDN, is a registered dietitian nutritionist and founder of Nutrition With Maddie
- Dena Champion , MS, RDN, CSO, LD, CNSC is a registered dietitian at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
How Nutrition Affects Energy
Firstly, let’s take a brief science lesson on the majority of calories burned Any According to Maddie Pasquariello, MS, RDN, food or beverage is a source of energy for the body. Your body’s ability to use the fuel and energy it obtains is dependent on the balance of macronutrients and nutrients Fiber The food’s calorie content is also important
Macronutrients are the nutrients that your body needs to function properly. They include Carbohydrates Protein , and fat, and we need them in large amounts (thus the name Macro Nutrients). According to Pasquariello, carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for most people because they are readily metabolized and easily accessible. The presence of calories in protein and fat makes them a source of energy. Moreover, the presence of these three macronutrients can enhance satiety and alleviate hunger, effectively staving off the exhaustion that comes with an empty stomach
5 Best Foods for Energy
Want to avoid afternoon slump? Try one of these five foods for extra energy
“ Oats Are an energy-boosting staple and a great food to incorporate into [your] Breakfast , pre-workout, or Post-workout meal ” says Pasquariello. That’s because oats contain complex carbohydrates, which are digested slowly, providing a steady source of energy for the body. “They also contain Soluble fiber , which can help lower cholesterol, [as well as] vitamins, minerals, and Antioxidants , ” adds Dena Champion, MS, RDN, CSO, LD, CNS C. P lus, oats are wonderfully versatile, as they can be paired with other energy-supporting ingredients like a scoop of nut butter, protein powder, or dried or fresh fruit, notes Pasquariello
“ Bananas , like most carb-containing foods, are an easy source of accessible energy for the body, ” shares Pasquariello. According to her, people often use them as a quick and convenient pre-workout snack. What’s more Bananas are relatively inexpensive , widely available, and rich in essential nutrients like Potassium , as noted by Champion. Although bananas are great without any other additive, they work wonders in combination with nut butter, which is another exciting source of energy. According to Champion, this is a fantastic way to include protein and fat, which will help you maintain your energy levels and feel satiated
According to Pasquariello, water is not a direct energy source for the body since it contains no calories. However, your Daily water intake Does Impact your energy levels, as it is essential for bodily functions that support energy absorption and digestion. According to Pasquariello, the act of urination, sweating, and breathing causes water loss, which can lead to fatigue or weakness due to inadequate water consumption. But What is the quantity of water that is considered adequate? , exactly? In general, “aim to drink at least half your body weight in pounds as ounces of water each day, ” says Pasquariello. A person weighing 150 pounds should aim to consume at least 75 ounces of water daily. It should be noted that this is a general guideline, as factors such as activity level, climate, and certain medications can affect the quantity of water required
Nut Butter
If you’re in the mood for something a bit more exciting and packed with energy, grab’ em ‘ Nut butter The composition consists of calories, carbohydrates, fiber, and protein And The presence of fat fuels the body and aids in maintaining satiety. Nut Butters vary in their provision of micronutrients, with peanut butter containing vitamin B6 and magnesium, and other options Almond butter According to Pasquariello, the nutrient composition includes some magnesium, calcium, and iron. Nut butter is versatile, as suggested by Champion; mix it with either fruit like bananas or apples, or spread it on whole grain bread for breakfast or snack. It is also possible to sprinkle it on oatmeal, which is another excellent source of energy
Though Eggs Despite having lower carbohydrate content than the previously mentioned foods, Pasquariello states that they are still a valuable source of energy. The reason is that they are Rich in protein Fat takes longer to break down than it does in the body. By providing fuel that is released at a slower pace, it can help maintain energy levels. Pasquariello identifies certain micronutrients in eggs that are important, such as vitamin D, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and iron. Try Eating eggs on avocado toast is a great idea Or noshing on a Hard-boiled egg For a satisfying snack