ArticleWhat Is the connection between Cushing Syndrome and a person's "Moon Face"?

What Is the connection between Cushing Syndrome and a person’s “Moon Face”?

The focus of social media is on the topic ” Cortisol face , ” which describes the appearance of round, puffy, or moon-shaped cheeks. Although high levels of cortisol can cause this effect, it’s mainly linked to the presence of low blood pressure Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome is characterized by a round” moon face “reddish skin, easy to handle bruising and stretch marks on the abdomen, excessive hair growth, diabetes, and general exhaustion that can be caused by prolonged cortisol exposure.  

Amy Schumer’s appearance on the podcast” Wild and Wild “was a topic of discussion when it came to her diagnosis with Cushing syndrome Call Her Daddy

Schumer explained that when people started commenting on her face shape, she initially dismissed them as online trolls. Then, she realized some physicians had taken to the comments and raised concerns that she had a form of Cushing syndrome

Eventually, Schumer said, she was diagnosed, and her condition was linked to steroid injections.  

Amy Schumer Has Cushing’s Syndrome. What Is It?

What Is Cushing Syndrome?  

Cushing Syndrome can develop due to steroids or issues with pituitary or adrenal glands

There is also a condition called Cushing disease, which is a specific type of Cushing syndrome. This occurs when a typically noncancerous pituitary tumor produces too much cortisol in the body 1.

Both Cushing disease and Cushing syndrome are relatively rare, with the disease showing up in about 10 to 15 cases per million people and the syndrome in 40 to 70 per million. Women are three times more likely to be affected than men, and the condition is most likely to appear in people ages 20 to 50. 2. 3.

Many symptoms of Cushing overlap with other conditions, making diagnosis difficult Prathayini Subarajan, DO , a physician focusing on endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at Loyola Medicine, told Verywell

“Some of these listed conditions are highly prevalent worldwide, such as insulin resistance and diabetes—so having this does not necessarily mean you have Cushing, ” Subarajan said. “Suspicion for Cushing rises when you have multiple signs and symptoms. ” 

In any case, treating the underlying cause—whether it’s a tumor on the pituitary gland or steroid use—should lessen symptoms over time

Cushing’s Syndrome Resulting From Corticosteroids

How Can You Tell If You Have Moon Face?

High cortisol levels can cause swelling or fat accumulation on the face. But, if you have a naturally round face, it does not necessarily mean you have high cortisol levels or Cushing syndrome

“Round and reddish face, also called moon face, is frequently observed in [Cushing syndrome,] but differential diagnosis is broad, and there are many other causes, including rapid weight gain of different causes, autoimmune or skin conditions, ” said Maria Fleseriu, MD , director of the pituitary center at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon

If you’re concerned, one key way to determine if you have developed a “moon” face is to look back at old photos and bring those in to show your physician, Subarajan said

It’s also possible that you have something called pseudo-Cushing syndrome 4.

While the symptoms are very similar to Cushing syndrome, the causes are generally related to other conditions, including pregnancy, obesity, severe stress, depression, uncontrolled diabetes, chronic alcoholism, or severe sleep apnea

People with pseudo-Cushing syndrome often don’t see a major progression of symptoms in the same way people with Cushing do 4.  

An Overview of Cushing’s Syndrome

How Does Cortisol Affect Your Body?

Since Cortisol Is dubbed the “stress” hormone, many people may assume that having any cortisol in your system is a bad thing. However, cortisol is a naturally occurring hormone that is integral to your overall health

“ [Cortisol is] produced by the adrenal glands, and it coordinates different functions, specifically…things like suppressing inflammation in our body tissues, and also, I think most importantly, in controlling metabolisms in muscles, fat, liver, and bones, ” Divya Yogi-Morren, MD , medical director of the Pituitary Tumor Center at Cleveland Clinic, told Verywell

It also helps with the sleep/wake cycle, said Subarajan. “It helps maintain homeostasis throughout the day and helps us respond to bodily stressors. ”

Stress does not automatically mean a cause of Cushing syndrome

There are no known diet or lifestyle factors that could lead to a high cortisol level, as suggested by Subarajan

What Is Steroid-Induced Diabetes?

What does This signify For you?

If you have concerns about a” cortisol face “or” moon face “it’s recommended to consult with your doctor. The majority of individuals who are anxious about this do not possess Cushing syndrome, but there may be a different cause

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  1. Oregon Health & Science University Cushing Disease/Cushing Syndrome

  2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Diseases Cushing’s syndrome

  3. The National Library of Medicine offers MedlinePlus as a source for medical information Cushing disease

  4. Johns Hopkins Diabetes Guide Cushing syndrome

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