BusinessChecks and Balances 2.0

Checks and Balances 2.0

AB i-Partisan, Issues-Focused Model for the U SE xecutive Branch

How Can We Unite and release Ourselves from the clutches of dictatorial lords?

(Non-member friends Read here !)

76% of Americans anticipate more political turmoil, while 56% expect economic problems in the coming years 2. It is now the right time to reframe governance through radical collaboration instead of partisan conflict

The divisive, Darwinian-style governance that involves using weapons of war has become tiresome. Our objective is to establish a government that intentionally promotes socioeconomic mobility, which it has failed to achieve due to the increasingly concentrated and unconstitutional executive structure

The solution requires the restructuring of our institutions to prioritize consensus-building rather than ideological dominance

Bipartisan Executive Committees: AN ew Model for Governance

The current executive branch structure is fueled by a culture of winner-takes-all politics. Our proposal is to divide executive authority into policy-specific committees that are equally constituted of::

Economic Revitalization Committee

Focused on restoring the middle class by::

Electoral Integrity Commission

Exploring the risks associated with Project 202. 5. Given the risks of voter suppression and the historical achievements in voting rights, this body would::

Issues-Driven Accountability Model

Our broken electoral system requires a solution to::

Nonpartisan criteria for algortihmic mapping can be found, with further details available Here

The use of public campaign funding to fund constituent issue petitions ensures that the American people’s desires are being fulfilled. False leaders no longer have the right to run on false election promises, but instead take breaks and limit accountability to the American taxpayer

The implementation of nonpartisan criteria like community integrity and compactness in algorithm mapping is crucial for reducing inequality and optimizing infrastructure in both social and geographic contexts

The use of ranked-choice primaries with no voting option ensures a genuine consensus on public opinion

Representatives would be required to submit quarterly progress reports on the top 3 policy pledges of their campaign, with a recall trigger in case of ongoing underperformance

Through Mobility engineering, the Middle Class is being reconstructed

The Gates Foundation’s research indicates that 47 million Americans are below 200% of the poverty line 6. ). Three levers are activated by our strategy::

Education-Employment Pipelines

Housing-Wage Linkages

Entrepreneurship Incubators

Checks and Balances 2.0

Taking into account the constitutional principles of separated powers 4., we propose:

Legislative Oversight Juries

A selectivity of citizen panels to scrutinize committee decisions was achieved through random selection

Sunset Clauses

After 5 years, renewal votes are mandatory for all major policies

Truth in Governance Audits

Comparing independent evaluations of policy outcomes vs. Projections

Moving forward, we need to recognize the risks associated with extreme agendas such as Project 202. 5. The effectiveness of local safety net initiatives and voter restriction schemes have been proven 6. )

The adoption of a more pragmatic approach to governance that prioritizes quantifiable outcomes over ideological purity tests can help reform America’s political ethos from destructive polarization to problem-solving

The success of our self-governance experiment is not contingent on which side prevails, but on whether we can modify the system itself

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