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Adjust the appearance of Command Prompt
Observe Star Wars on Command Prompt
Command Prompt Aquarium is a part of Telnet Fun and Adventures
Change the Window Title
Generate Random Dad Jokes
Track Where Your Data Goes
Command Prompt offers virtually unlimited possibilities, and few people are aware of the full extent of what a few lines of code can accomplish. For the next time you’re bored at home, try these cool Command Prompt tricks
1. Adjust the appearance of Command Prompt
You may already be familiar with this, as Command Prompt can serve as an useful tool for accessibility. Command Prompt can be entirely customized, covering a range of aspects such as background, text, font, and transparency
To do it, simply right-click the item Command Prompt icon Select the button located in the top left-hand side of the window and click on it Properties From The menu

The Font Layout , and Colors Tabs offer quicker access to options such as adjusting text size or selecting different colors. Select the Terminal Use the tick to switch between specific parts of the text cursor

By using this method or tweaking the window, you can generate somewhat ridiculous command prompts. The customization options are so extensive that I recommend looking into them Customizing Command Prompt If you want to do more
2. Observe Star Wars on Command Prompt
Those who watch Star Wars using Command Prompt may be intrigued by the interface, even if they don’t know how it works. For that reason, you must watch Star Wars: Command Prompt (and for another one on this list) Provide Telnet, a service
To do that, press Win + Q , type Telnet Type in the search term and click on Search Switch on/off the functionalities of Windows In the search results. In the Windows Features Scroll down and observe the checkbox beside the graphical area of the window Telnet Client , and click OK

Use the Command Prompt Command to place the button and then press OK Enter Use the following key to access the Telehack website::
Telnet Telehack Com
After connecting, type in the code::
Relax and enjoy an unusual interpretation of Star Wars in your Command Prompt window

3. Command Prompt Aquarium is a part of Telnet Fun and Adventures
The Telehack website’s Command Prompt may have led you to encounter other commands. It’s worth considering these to see if there are any other enjoyable outcomes
The most remarkable one, apart from the ASCII rendition of Star Wars, is the actual Star Aquarium Command. Submit this command to be viewed as part of an ASCII aquarium display. It’s so delightful that you’ll want to save it as your screen display

4. Change the Window Title
Moving beyond the weirdness of ASCII copies, here’s a sample Command Prompt window title that can be changed. The only way to do that is by going into the Title Give a command and then mention the name that will be used to signify it
An illustration of how the Command Prompt window title can be changed is presented below::
Title something cool
The Command Prompt window’s name has been altered by the Command mentioned above, as you can see

Keeping track of multiple Command Prompt windows with this tool is advantageous. The usefulness of naming the windows doesn’t necessarily mean you can have a good time with it
5. Generate Random Dad Jokes
How many dads are fond of Command Prompt’s humorous and entertaining content?
Use the Command Prompt tool to input and execute the following Command Enter Key:
Curl https: //icanhazdadjoke. Com
Telling this random dad joke will make you appear like the funniest man in town

6. Track Where Your Data Goes
This one is both entertaining and intriguing, and it has practical applications in networking and troubleshooting. The Tracert A list of the location your connection is bouncing to on the path to the desired address will be displayed when you enter an IP address or website URL with a command. Witnessing the various interruptions your train makes on its journey to any destination can be a highly stimulating, if not quite as captivating as it appears
Home internet setups typically require you to travel through multiple IP addresses, but some websites may take your data on different routes based on your website and the location you are connecting from
Use the Command below as a comical example by typing it into Command Prompt and pressing the ENTER key Enter Key:
Tracert Google Com

It is essential to read more about it How to use Traceroute , as it can be helpful in network troubleshooting as well
The Command Prompt interface may be unremarkable, but it still provides a pleasant experience. These are just a few examples of the many ways you can use Command Prompt to achieve amazing results