ArticleWhat Is the reason behind My dog's constant itchiness?

What Is the reason behind My dog’s constant itchiness?

What Can I do to prevent My Dog from scratching?

Our Bernese Mountain Dog , age 4, is healthy but has sporadic itching. We are accustomed to having a Bernese as our sixth member, and this particular one is no exception. This isn’t the first time we have experienced this with two dogs. Kai, the dog, experiences an average of three itching episodes each day. There are no blemishes on his skin. His flea and worm treatments are current. Our vet has prescribed Apoquel, which is effective against him, but I am hesitant to use it. I believe there is a more natural approach to managing this minor yet evidently bothersome problem for him. He consumes Royal Canin, which is made with human-grade cooked meat in equal measure. Would it be possible for you to suggest any things that could aid me?

The Ultimate in self-care, Cattle Dog Mix incorporates a Relaxing Neck Massage into their routine The Ultimate in self-care, Cattle Dog Mix incorporates a Relaxing Neck Massage into their routine

It’s probable that your dog is itching due to an inhalation allergy

Why do Dogs itch?

Other factors that can cause dogs to itch and scratch include::

  • Flea allergies
  • Contact allergies
  • Pyoderma (skin infection)
  • Yeast infection
  • Food allergies
  • Dry skin

Conceding that he has lost his mind Fleas Helps a lot. Knowing whether the dog is inside or outside, whether it’s a seasonal issue or an annual one, and any other symptoms of illness are helpful Vomiting or diarrhea These items can assist in identifying the source of the discomfort caused by itching. The most common problem faced by Bernesians in this age is summer allergies, but they are not uncommon

Apoquel for Dog Itching

You are correct in your search for a substitute for Apoquel. Medicine works by changing the immune system. Most dogs do not experience any problems, but there are instances where it can cause severe side effects. The drug’s vendor asserts that adverse effects are uncommon, but in other investigations, roughly 5% of dogs have at least one of the following side effects::

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • New ear inflammation and infections
  • New skin infections
  • Urinary infections

The most troubling aspect, in my opinion, is that the pharmaceutical company asserts that Apoquel can exacerbate pre-existing cancer by altering the immune system. This is a big deal when you have Bernese Mountain Dogs

The cost of Apoquel is a common cause of complaints, in addition to the side effects. When dealing with a giant breed, the monthly expenses can add up quickly

The development of it was prompted by the fact that alternative options may not be as helpful. The effectiveness of Apoquel is remarkable, with 44% of dogs responding rapidly and receiving 86 positive results within a week. A significant number of dogs (4%) showed a decrease in itching. (2)

What are some ways to treat Itching in dogs?

There are some excellent options to keep your dog at ease. These are listed here from the mildest to the most severe and I advise you to start at the bottom. They include:

  • Reduce allergen exposure: You can do this right away from the comfort of your own home. If your dog is exhibiting signs of behavior after running in a field, avoid letting him out. If he is an indoor dog that shows signs of allergies all year round, lower the allergen levels in the house by changing your HVAC filters, vacuuming more often, disposing of your house plants, and switching your carpet for a hardwood floor. In the event that you recognize your dog has seasonal issues, it may be worth pursuing Allergies , it is a good idea to keep him in when the pollen counts are high and use air filters when he is inside. Regrettably, these recommendations won’t resolve the issue until you can discover what your dog is allergic to, but they do offer some relief
  • Fish oil: The consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to reduce mild itching in dogs. This is my preferred addition to dogs ‘diets (including sardines), but purchasing supplements can provide similar results. The quantity of fish oil you purchase varies, but it can be as much as one teaspoon for every 25 pounds. This is effective for most dogs and can be used without any additional medication. However, if you exceed this amount, it may not be harmful to your pet. Diarrhea can be caused by giving your dog the complete dose right away
  • Shampooing: A simple shampoo is a suitable remedy for dogs with grass or other contact allergies, as long as their exposure to the allergen is limited. The inhalant allergy is a hindrance, so you must observe his response to it. What is the most efficient shampoo available? Douxo , which sells with a mousse that contains ophytrium and is very effective. In cases where the expense is prohibitive, a simple cooling bath with colloidal oatmeal may be enough to soothe some dogs
  • Antihistamines: Antihistamines may be prescribed if he experiences a severe itching sensation. The antihistamines are only effective in a small proportion of dogs, and there is no way to determine which one will benefit
  • Cytopoint injections: Although this injection is less expensive than Apoquel, it may result in a higher cost for your dog’s health as they require vet care. It hinders the dog’s itch response by blocking a specific protein that causes itching. One study found an 87. In a study of dogs with moderate itching, researchers found that 98% of them responded to the test within barefoot. (3) There can be Some side effects , however, so I would not recommend this unless your dog is suffering and does not respond to the milder treatments like fatty acids and shampooing
  • Steroids: This type of treatment has numerous side effects, making it unsuitable for your dog. Considering that the patient was suffering from severe itching and had a severe reaction to Apoquel and did not respond to Cytopoint, it would be beneficial to try this
  • Immunotherapy: If you attempt shampooing and antihistamines alone, but are still having issues, seek advice from a veterinary dermatologist for allergy testing and allergen-specific immunotherapy. The only remedy that exists in 59 days is this potential cure. The incidence of itching and scratching in dogs with allergies was less than half a percent, which is equivalent to 9%. (4)
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Your question suggests that there isn’t a significant issue at present, but if the individual is uncomfortable and experiencing unresponsiveness to home treatments, immunotherapy may be the only option

  1. For Long-term compassionate use in dogs with atopic and allergic skin disease, the safety of oclacitinib is well-established: Cosgrove SB, Cleaver DM, King VL, Gilmer AR, Daniels A E. V et Dermatol. 2015 Jun; 26 (3): 171-9, e35. Doi: 10.1111/ Vde. 12194. Epub 2015 Feb 16. PMID: 25688708. Https: //pubmed. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/25688708/
  2. Can oclacitinib be effective in controlling pruritus and skin lesions in dogs with canine allergic dermatitis?. Vet Dermatol. 2013 Oct; 24 (5): 479-e114. Doi: 10.1111/ Vde. 12047. Epub 2013 Jul 5. PMID: 23829933; PMCID: PMC4282347. Https: //pmc. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/articles/PMC4282347/
  3. The authors cite Gober M, Hillier A, Vasquez-Hidalgo MA, Amodie D, and Mellencamp MA as sources. Cytopoint administration in Allergic Dogs. Science829 XI-385 2022 Jul 19: 909776 Front Vet 00: 00 EST?. Doi: 10.3389/ Fvets. 2022.909776. PMID: 35928119; PMCID: PMC9343842. Https: //pubmed. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/35928119/
  4. Fennis EEM, van Damme CMM, Schlotter YM, Sinke JD, Leistra MHG, Bartels RT, Broere F. P. A retrospective study involving 664 cases of subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy in atopic dogs revealed its efficacy. Vet Dermatol. 2022 Aug; 33 (4): 321-e75. Doi: 10.1111/ Vde. 13075. Epub 2022 May 30. PMID: 35635279; PMCID: PMC9544551. Https: //pmc. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/articles/PMC9544551/

The information presented in this article is not intended to replace the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and personalized guidance from your veterinarian. If you notice any indications of distress in your animals, it is recommended that you seek the help of a veterinarian

© 2024 Mark dos Anjos, DVM

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