If you’re looking for an unusual houseplant, consider growing a string of pearls Senecio rowleyanus ). This Low-maintenance succulent Has green foliage that looks like tiny pearls strung around. The string of pearls plant, which is indigenous to South Africa, requires minimal watering and can tolerate warm weather, making it a suitable option for hands-on gardeners
Outside, it is possible to cultivate it USDA hardiness zones Typically, it is grown indoors as a houseplant and can reach between 9 and 12. When grown outside, it will yield white flowers that resemble daisies and have a spicy-sweet, cinnamon scent. Keep away from pets as the leaves can be slightly toxic 1. In preparation, gardeners present guidelines on cultivating and looking after a string of pearls
- Nick Cutsumpas , urban gardener andauthorof The first step in Caring for Plants and The environment is To start with Plant Coach: AB eginner’s Guide
- Chris Young , garden expert and co-author of The Green Witch’s Guide to enchanting Plants & Flowers
String of Pearls Plant Care
Your string of pearls plant will flourish if you fulfill its needs for sunlight, temperature, water, and fertilizer
The best growth for a pearl plant is observed in its roots Indirect sunlight , but it can tolerate some direct sunlight. To avoid exposure to harsh sunlight, urban gardener Nick Cutsumpas suggests positioning the plant in a convenient window
The optimal temperature for a pearl plant string falls within the range of 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Regardless of the environment, grow this plant indoors or outdoors without exposure to cold temperatures. If your locality has severe winters, transplant the plant indoors during the growing season
Like most succulents, the pearls plant’s string prefers drier conditions. To prevent root rot, it is recommended to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering. In summer, when the plant is growing, you will probably need to water it more than in winter 1.
Ensure that a container with cactus, succulent mix, or other well-drained potting mix is used to grow pearl-like cords. Adding small pea gravel, sharp sand, poultry grit, or pumice to potting soil can also promote better drainage 1.
A succulent-specific fertilizer once a month is given to the String of Pearls plant by Cutsumpas during the spring and summer growing seasons
Different categories of String of Pearls
Many trailing species have distinct shapes that are closely related to a string of pearls, as stated by Cutsumpas. Here are a few:
- Curio radicans : The foliage of this plant, which looks like small green bananas, is often referred to as the “string of banana” and is known for its taste
- Curio herreanus ‘Tiny “watermelon is the name given to this variety because of its oblong leaves and dark green lines that resemble those of watermelons.’
- Curio citriformus : The foliage of this plant has a slight point on the sphere, which gives it the appearance of tripping
The pruning of the pearl-like Plant
Chris Young, a gardening expert, suggests removing excess pearls from the stem joint that is healthy and established to prune the string of pearl. Moreover, get rid of any dead or infected leaves. Cutting too much at once can lead to plant shock and stunt its growth
AS tring of Pearls plants propagated
Inject a string of pearls plant to generate fresh baby plants. Here’s how you do it” Cutsumpas said.
- Using clean, fine-tipped scissors, slice off a 5-inch stem from the plant
- Take off the underside pearls and let the stem dry out for a few days
- Container with a small amount of potting mix and ensure it drains well
- Place the stem’s end that has been cut into the soil
- Make sure to water thoroughly and place the cutting in a warm, indirect area with glare.
A cluster of Pearls in Containers that are being grown
The growth of the string of pearls is favored in containers that have a drainage hole and well-drained soil. The plant will require rehoming once it has grown beyond its housing. When repotting your string of pearls plant, make sure the container is at least half the size you’d imagine, and avoid using a deep pot. According to Cutsumpas, it is recommended to aim for a pot that is at least 2 inches wider than the current one since the root systems are relatively shallow
- To prevent the roots from breaking, flip the pot over so that it doesn’t snap.
- After the plant is out of its container, use a thin blade to scrape away excess soil and reveal more roots
- Place the plant in the pot and fill the new container with well-drained soil. Add more soil to the container by filling in the sides
- Make sure to water thoroughly and place the cutting in a warm, indirect area with glare.
AP earl Plant Overwintering String
The pearls plant must be moved indoors during winter if you reside outside USDA growing zones 9 to 12, as it will not endure the freezing temperatures. To encourage blooming in the upcoming spring, it is recommended to choose a cool, dry, and brightly lit environment with temperatures ranging from 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit 1.
The usual concerns surrounding the String of pearls
Gain insight into identifying potential issues when growing a pearl plant in your household
Root Rot
Overwatering of the string of pearls can result in root rot. To prevent this, ensure that the soil is well-drained and leave it dry during watering periods. “According to Young, it is crucial to have drainage holes in the pots you plant.”
Your pearls plant may be at risk of being attacked by insects like mealybugs and spider mites. Young advises using vinegar and water together to get rid of these bugs from your plant.
Shriveled Pods
If the pearls appear shriveled, it indicates that the plant is not adequately watered. To address the issue, increase the frequency of watering your plant and ensure that the pods rehydrate as soon as possible
The Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls Horticulture Division of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division Extension