NewsA recent Study suggests that adding One teaspoon of Coffee to Your...

A recent Study suggests that adding One teaspoon of Coffee to Your Coffee habit could decrease Your Risk of Heart Disease by 31%

  • What Was the method used to conduct the study?
  • What was the conclusion drawn from the study?
  • What is the reason for consuming Coffee in the Morning?

If you’re a fan of coffee, it may make sense to reconsider drinking your favorite cup of tea. A recent study has been published in the journal European Heart Journal On January 8 suggests that Drinking coffee The risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality may be significantly reduced if done In the morning 1.

Individuals who consumed coffee in the morning had a positive effect A 31% decrease in the risk of dying from heart disease is observed In comparison to those who opted for no-drinking. Individuals who consumed Morning coffee were also present There is a 16% lower chance of dying from any cause The consumption of coffee exceeds that of those who do not consume it. Those who consumed coffee throughout the day did not experience the same benefits 1.

Learn more about the study’s findings and how morning coffee can contribute to better health

What Was the method used to conduct the study?

The team of researchers, headed by Jeremy Clarkson Lu Qi, MD, Ph. D , a research professor at Tulane University, analyzed data from more than 42,000 U. S. Adults who participated in the U. S. N ational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey or the Women’s and Men’s Lifestyle Validation Study

The National Death Index provided information on how participants died after keeping a food diary for at least seven days in this study. The Researchers monitored the participants ‘coffee consumption, including the time and quantity, and associated mortality rates with it over a period of nine to 10 years. Coffee was a type of beverage that contains coffee, regardless of whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinate

The Participants were divided into three categories: all-day coffee drinkers, morning coffee users, and those who did not consume coffee. On average, individuals in The morning and all-day groups had an average age of 50 and 51 years, respectively, whereas those who did not consume coffee aged approximately 38 years. The men and women in All three groups were almost evenly split

What was the conclusion drawn from the study?

Individuals who consumed coffee primarily in the morning had significantly lower rates of cardiovascular disease-related death and all-cause mortality than Those who did not. The consumption of Morning coffee by moderate or heavy drinkers, ranging from two to three cups, was more beneficial for the latter

The study revealed that the most crucial factor was the consumption of coffee among the participants. Individuals who consumed coffee during the day (starting, ending, and ending) did not demonstrate a reduction in risk when compared to those who did NO T consume coffee

According to a press release, Qi emphasizes the importance of the time of day when you consume coffee, not just your coffee consumption. “We typically do not provide guidance on dietary recommendations, but we may need to consider this in the future. ” 2.

What is the reason for consuming Coffee in the Morning?

According to The researchers, why is it recommended to drink coffee in The afternoon or evening instead of at night for circadian rhythms and regulating melatonin production?. Breaking this cycle may result in heightened inflammation, elevated blood pressure, and other cardiovascular risk factors. Conversely, if you’re feeling energetic in the morning, coffee can help your body maintain its natural wake-up process

Thomas Lüscher, MD, Ph. D , a cardiologist from Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals, wrote in an accompanying editorial piece, “In the morning hours, there is commonly a marked increase in sympathetic activity as we wake up and get out of bed, an effect that fades away during the day and reaches its lowest level during sleep. The authors suggest that coffee consumption during the afternoon or evening may disrupt the circadian rhythm of sympathetic activity 3.

The body’s response to both war and peace is controlled by the Sympathetic nervous system, which is known as Sympathetic activity 4. You may have experienced a situation where you were awake during the night and later regretted drinking coffee The impact of caffeine can be observed through various methods The sympathetic nervous system’s function. By limiting your coffee intake to the morning, you can prevent future java regrets

The Bottom Line

The consumption of coffee in the morning may decrease your risk of heart disease and lower your all-cause mortality rate compared to Drinking it throughout the day. The simple fact that you can start only drinking coffee in the morning could be a very effective way to support your body, regardless of Whether you drink regular or more frequently Heart health If you have any doubts or concerns about your heart health, consult with your doctor or cardiologist

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  1. Wang X, Ma H, Sun Q, and others Time spent in consuming Coffee and mortality among adults in the US Eur Heart J 2025: ehae871. Doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae871

  2. European Society of Cardiology The heart can be better protected against disease by having Morning coffee instead of drinking coffee throughout the day

  3. Lüscher TF Make yourself a cup of coffee! Eur Heart J 2025: ehae823. Doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae823

  4. Alshak MN, Das JM. N euroanatomy, Sympathetic Nervous System. In: StatPearls StatPearls Publishing; 2025.

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