AuthenticityAN ew Way Forward

AN ew Way Forward

I am Not afraid, So Please Stop Projecting Yours onto Me

Photo by Etienne Girardet On Unsplash

Fear is a potent motivator. Its purpose is to provide us with protection. Fear prevents us from walking off cliffs, touching fire, or entering into immediate danger. The survival mechanism is designed to ensure our safety. Fear can be advantageous in times of physical danger, but it has a detrimental impact on our daily lives and mental processes. It has shaped societies, established policies, and controlled narratives for generations. Although I am aware of the fear, it is not present in this location Fear is not a part of my life. In the event that you do, it is your way and not mine

Since the United States election, I have seen an overproduction of fear-based rhetoric from individuals who believe their worldview is the sole reality. Their outlook is filled with doom and despair, and they believe that those who don’t share their fear are either ignorant or indifferent to the truth. What if the situation is different for those of us who opt to make this happen? Faith over fear ?

The Projection of Fear

The interactions I had recently are a perfect representation of this phenomenon. A biologist stated to me::

“Well… Good luck. The past is a thing of the past. Yes, it is. Climate change is the name given to this phenomenon. While you can stare at yourself, your true purpose is to watch the world go to hell. ”

Another person wrote:

“Your hopes and Trump’s plans are not the same. This is not how Trump will enable anything. I wish you the best in making the best of this, but this is just another lever of pressure and control for Trump. ”

And another:

“Good luck to you. The plan and point are being missed. All the best to you. I am unable to choose whether or not to communicate with someone who appears unintelligent and ignorant of the evil plans of an individual. ”

This level of fear-based thinking is exhausting. It’s a cycle of paranoia, assuming that everyone must be caught up in their personal storm. And if you’re not? Well, then you must be delusional

IM ove by Faith, Not Fear

Just because I don’t fear Trump’s presidency doesn’t mean I support his views. In fact, I voted for Kamala Harris, through her fakeness and all, because in the grander scheme of things, who’s president doesn’t matter much to me. The only true president is the omnipotent presence in this universe, whom we refer to as God I would never put man before God or believe that man has more power than God My faith is strong, resilient, and carries me through whatever earthly chaos is ensuing

I have had to unfriend people because of the sheer weight of their projections. I refuse to engage in conversations that are drenched in fear, negativity, and helplessness. My life is centered on faith, love, and transformation

This doesn’t mean I am ignorant of worldly issues. In fact, I’m uber aware of the issues which has lead me down the path of New Thought Leadership™ It simply means I choose to process them differently. I choose to operate from a higher frequency, one that is grounded in divine trust rather than mass hysteria

AN ew Way Forward

If you find yourself projecting fear onto others, pause. Ask yourself — why? Where is your faith? What part of you needs reassurance? What part of you believes that everyone must be afraid for the world to make sense?

Faith is not ignorance. It is strength. It is resilience. It is the power to stand tall when everything around you Shakes. And if you cannot understand that, at least respect that others choose to live in a way that uplifts rather than drowns in despair

To those who walk in faith: keep walking. Keep shining. Keep rejecting the fear that is thrown your way. The world needs more faith-led individuals, now more than ever

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