ArticleAP ro Gardener's Guide to Pruneing a Pothos Plant: From Direct to...

AP ro Gardener’s Guide to Pruneing a Pothos Plant: From Direct to Ferment

Pothos is among the most effortless things to do , hardiest houseplants to grow, but even a healthy specimen needs occasional pruning to help it look its best. A struggling plant’s recovery is greatly aided by the cutting back its laggy stems, which is an essential step

Here’s how to Prune this houseplant To maintain a lush and satisfying appearance throughout the year

Why Prune Pothos

There are several reasons to prune pothos and encourage a healthier, fuller plant. A pothos with long, vine-like growths that thrive can eventually grow to its limit. Ultimately, this vigorous houseplant can generate up to 18 inches of growth in just one month 1.

To avoid damaging the plant along the ceiling, it’s necessary to cut some of its length off

A pothos that is undergoing difficulties for various reasons, such as being shocked by an unexpected change in environment or overfertilizing, may lose some of its leaves, leading to unattractive growth. The appearance of your plant can be enhanced by trimming its back 2.

Whether you’re cutting your pothos plant to keep it green or giving it a boost, whatever the reason is Former glory , the goal is to remove excess growth and encourage a fuller, bushier growth habit

When to Prune Pothos

The period between early spring and early fall is ideal for pruning of pothos as the plants are still growing because of the warm temperatures and long days. Pruning may be necessary if you bring plants outside for the summer to encourage new growth in optimal conditions 3.

If your plant sprouts new growth in the late winter/early spring you should be good to prune it

Pruning pothos is another opportunity when you’re about to do it Bring the plant indoors to be winter-ready 4.

By trimming it down to a size that can be grown indoors, you’ll also eliminate any excess growth that may not support the plant in drier, darker surroundings

If possible, avoid pruning a pothos plant that is otherwise healthy during winter. In spite of this, you can shave off the occasional bit Yellow leaf During any season, an individual may experience a broken stem

How to Prune Pothos

  1. Observe your plant to determine which parts of stem you desire to eliminate. Take a moment to contemplate the desired shape of your garden after pruning. Provided that the plant is in good shape, contemplate how long you want the other vines to endure. When rehabilitating a leggy pothos plant, locate the location of new growth on each vine closest to the crown and cut below that spot
  2. Trim off unwanted growth with sharp blades or pruners, placed just below a leaf node. Think about balancing your cuts between the vines to give the plant a more natural appearance once it fills in again
  3. Keep pruning vines until they reach their desired size or complete the removal of any leggy stem parts. When pruning a vine, it is not recommended to remove more than 30 percent of the entire vine 5., but damaged vines can be cut back to 2 inches from the soil line if necessary 5.
  4. Re-plug and clear dead, yellowed, or damaged leaves or stems from your plant
  5. Extend the stem sections you removed for use Propagate new pothos plants

How frequently should Pothos be pruned?

The frequency of pruning for pothos plants is contingent on the purpose for which you prune them. If a vigorous, speedy plant threatens to overtake your garden, regular light pruning can help by bushier growth 6.

Pruning is necessary for a pothos plant that has lost leaves to aid in its recovery. To maintain the appearance of your indoor pothos and keep their growth contained, it is recommended to prune once or twice a year for healthy growth

How can one enhance the appearance of Pothos to Make it appear more Fuller

The growth of a pothos plant can be enhanced by pruning the leggy or leafless vines. To encourage branching and a fuller appearance, young plants can be stimulated to pinch back the immature tips by pulling away 6.

The addition of fullness can be achieved by rooting the sections of stem that have been removed in water or soil and planting them among the original vines Repotting your pothos plant

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  1. A guide to preparing pothos, or the Devil’s Ivy and Golden Pothos for indoor use South Dakota State University Extension

  2. Grooming Indoor Plants University of Maryland Extension

  3. Putting Indoor Plants Outside in the house for summers Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

  4. It’s time to reintroduce houseplants University of Minnesota Extension

  5. Pothos as a Houseplant PennState Extension

  6. Successful Indoor gardening methods University of Georgia Extension

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