Prevent the Scope Creep from affecting You Before It takes over
The management of changes in software projects is crucial to prevent runaway scope creep, which can harm the project’s success
Photo by Zac Harris On Unsplash
The requirements of software projects will evolve and become more complex as time goes on. The development team must plan for growth and factor in contingency buffers when making commitments. The term scope creep, which is also known as feature creep and requirements creep respectively, refers to the uncontrolled expansion of features in a project box. It’s not entirely appropriate. The continuous expansion of demands makes it challenging to deliver the top priority functionality on schedule. This results in delays, quality issues, and wasted energy
Every person desires that change is free. It’s possible to add one more requirement and still be finished by Thursday. But wait, life doesn’t work that way. Change is never free. A team working to a fixed schedule with fixed resources cannot fit more functionality into their capabilities. The likelihood of quality deteriorating is high, as something needs to be given up. The establishment of processes that can accommodate the growth and change of requirements with minimal disruption is more effective. Dealing with scope creep involves managing plans and expectations to achieve the desired project outcome
Defining Scope
The first step in addressing scope creep is to document a clearly defined and agreed-upon scope for the project. Without a scope definition, how can you tell if you are experiencing scope creep? These techniques To establish the extent of a project
In order to ensure that everyone is aware of the tasks and risks involved, agile projects should create a brief scope statement for each iteration. Instead, assign a brief title that describes the objective of the iteration and makes the scope explicit
The focus in requirements discussions is always on the functionality to be included in the solution. In spite of this, the stakeholders must come to a consensus on what will not be included. The The Template: Vision and Scope Document I propose that the book should have a section named Restrictions and Exclusions. This section contains a list of product capabilities that are not intentionally included in the expectations of stakeholder
Does It Belong?
To address scope creep, it is necessary to ask if the proposal is in scope when proposing a new use case, user story, functional requirement, feature, or output. The team can act promptly by identifying known limitations when a request is made for an out-of-scope feature
It should be noted that the project scope may include activities and deliverables beyond the software products that have been delivered. Your customers may want to receive an online tutorial that teaches users how to use the new system. The software solution remains unchanged, but the scope of the overall work is extended
The scope description must be clear enough to enable individuals to determine if the proposed project falls under the definition of scope. At some point in the project, the customer determined that it would need six more data conversions. The customer was under the impression that the additional work fell outside the agreed-upon scope, while the vendor claimed it was beyond their capabilities and demanded extra payment
The ambiguity regarding its scope led to the project being canceled and a multi-million dollar lawsuit being filed. This unfortunate outcome could have been prevented by establishing more clearly defined scope boundaries and agreeing on the payment for scope changes
Adjusting the Scope
There are three ways to answer the question “Is this capability in scope?”. The team is not required to address it if it is clearly beyond their scope, at least not at this time. They could reschedule the new capability at a later date
There are instances when a new feature is not within the project’s current scope, but it has been deemed advantageous to include it. The management sponsor, who owns the business requirements, must determine whether the development team will be responsible for any changes to user or solution requirements through a scope expansion (Figure 1)
Figure 1. Negotiations at the business requirements level are necessary when changes in user and solution requirements impact the project’s scope and implications
The decision to expand the project’s scope is a business decision. The cost, risk, schedule, and market implications are crucial factors that must be taken into account by the key decision makers. The best approach to handle a change in scope involves negotiating with the project manager, management sponsor, and key customers
The availability of specific user stories on an agile project does not affect the effectiveness of a single iteration. Changed requirements are welcomed by agile teams, but the new work is not confined to the current version; it has already been completed. Rather than previous releases, new requirements are included in the product backlog and assigned priority to the remaining backlogged contents for implementation in future iterations
Coping with Creep
To prevent destructive scope creep, here are some ways to manage requirements growth::
The cost of expanding scope is always a concern. The individuals who are obligated to fund the project must make a deliberate choice about the most appropriate scope-management approach for different scenarios. The aim is always to deliver the highest quality customer value, in line with achieving defined business objectives and project success criteria within existing constraints
Don’t assume the development team can implement ever-more features without any remuneration. It is always wise to foresee a certain level of scope expansion throughout the project. The project manager will utilize contingency buffers to allow the team to accommodate scope growth without compromising schedule commitments
A sensible scope management involves meeting several prerequisites::
Avoid being lured by the specter of creeping scope or trying to suppress change in any way you can. Rather than wait until later, establish a clear scope definition and educate your stakeholders on the importance of channeling all change requests through your established and effective change control process. The change control process is a tool that assists in the selection of appropriate changes at the right time, rather than hindering it. Communicate the consequences of approved change requests to all relevant stakeholders so they are aware of its impact
Change happens. Prepare to handle it
The article is derived from an earlier version More About Software Requirements By Karl Wiegers. Karl has written several other books, among them Software Requirements (with Joy Beatty) Software Requirements Essentials (with Candase Hokanson) Software Development Pearls The Careful Design of Everyday Things? , and Successful Business Analysis Consulting