Becoming unencumbered in The dark aspects of Your existence
Don’t let your thoughts wander to the edge of your wits’ world
Departing from the turbulent waters of your consciousness
If you work on your Self, you will eventually find yourself floating in your mind like a wave. Let’s say a bird falls into the water with wet wings and attempts to stay above water. The bird’s brain has been present for a long time, but it had forgotten how to fly and is the only one that wants to survive. In a calm, serene and enjoyable water environment, the bird can enjoy being in the water and even feel its buoyancy while lounging. The presence of wavelets and disturbances in the water causes ripples to become choppy, making it difficult for birds to stay above the hard surface
If the bird becomes tumultuous and stormy, it will face significant challenges as it has already experienced extreme situations where it almost drowned or plunged down multiple times. The bird’s entire lifespan is dependent on its water-based state. That bird’s experience of life is based on that. The water’s condition is the issue. The water would remain calm if the bird had its way. Its goal is to create a peaceful and comfortable environment, and it endeavors to find ways to achieve this
Although the bird is unable to determine the water’s actions, it must be under the impression that it can. It must keep its balance and stay in the still water, even when it only hears occasional chirping. The water became choppy when it appeared to be staring to the right instead of paying attention. The organism formulated ideas, viewpoints, and preferences that suggest it should not turn the right direction as the water will become turbulent. The bird contemplates: I couldn’t experience a sense of helplessness. I didn’t feel like there was anything left to do. I am no longer interested in drowning. It’s important for me to avoid falling into peril
The water becomes serene and calming, and I’ll avoid doing it in the future
The water calms and remains still even when I am doing everything right, causing me to become an extremely anxious bird
The sound I made last time is not the same, and I’m having trouble identifying what it might be. Karma has been influenced by events in one’s past, and it is believed to have had an impact on this process. The bird’s ability to chirp is often affected by past events, which can be difficult to reconcile. The bird is having a tough time staying in The water due to its difficulty and feeling guilty about it. Although I am aware that it is not my fault, I can’t seem to figure out why. I am unsure if there is another factor that can manage this for me. There are rumors that there is a higher power at my disposal, and I pray to it in order to ensure that the water flows correctly
The bird’s actions are centered on the fact that it is stuck in the water due to his lack of knowledge and distraction from other tasks. He has no inkling of any other existence besides being in this water. I am immersed in this body of water – that is the essence of my life. I feel it. You can’t make me stop thinking about it. I float by it every time it moves. This is me. You comprehend, this circumstance is what it is. I vouch that my words reflect the precise way in which human beings perceive their thoughts
The mind is not your identity, just like water and birds are not the same. Ever. Regardless of its activity, the water remains unchanged, regardless of whether it is calm or turbulent. The bird is self-reliant and distinct from that water. It is not on its surface, but it floats on it and has no connection to it
Your consciousness and awareness of what it is to BE are floating on the mind’s surface.’ Vrittis ‘is the name given to the posture in yoga Vritti Is the mind’s fluidity, commonly referred to as a pool of thoughts Despite being suspended, it is not included in its composition. It is not related to it
After meditating, individuals who have gone deep into the moment will identify their thoughts as seedy, beginning, peak, and end. Beliefs are just thoughts. Like the wavelets on a lake, you can see them from the surface, with varying degrees of rise and fall. Your mind is in a state of tranquility, as evidenced by your thoughts. The water is calm if there are no external factors affecting it, and the mind remains unoccupied. The water is in a tranquil state of being. Unless there are reasons that make it otherwise
The ’empty mind’ or void is the same as your tranquil mind, according to Buddhist teachings. This is not an indication that it’s foolish. The water’s tranquility makes it a natural source of energy. There are no external factors that could cause waves despite the presence of water, and your mind will be in a state of complete relaxation. Absolute total calm. Neglecting positive thoughts is a step backwards from thinking positively, as negative thoughts are just like happy thoughts. Negative thinking is a wave of unruly behavior. “Some people walk in the rain” as stated by Roger Miller. Others just get wet. ”
Your mind is empty, as the Buddhists and Zen talk of ‘empty mind’ — the ‘empty bell’; ‘the void’. So, the natural state of the mind is the calm water — it’s just absolutely still. This is in stark contrast to what the Buddhists call ‘the monkey mind’, which is the repetitive, catastrophising, thought-filled mind
Ramakrishna the great spiritual Master once said “The purified mind is no different than the Self. ”
The mind becomes empty when it is calm, leaving only consciousness that is aware of itself. When you look into the absolute still water, you can see your reflection, but it’s all distorted due to the distortion caused by waves. Deep meditation is a case in point where there is no awareness of one’s presence until they return, but the absence of mind during deep meditation eliminates any sense of self. It’s not generating any ideas. They are not sitting with the thought “I’m in deep meditation” but rather with a sense of BEIN GI N. S imply sitting, and not the mind distracting or pulling you away from that. Both the Self and the purified mind are synonymous in their understanding of one another. The Self is not observing a pure mind
Your consciousness remains unaffected by the fact that you are already in a state of awareness. Despite BEing at rest through the mind, you are only aware of your existence as it is an empty mind. So, it’s beautiful
‘The empty mind, the empty bell, and the void are just as important in Zen traditions. They use a range of terms, but the fundamental meaning is “you are you.”. Being the Self and consciousness, you are resting in your mind while BEing aware of what it is. Your mind is always at rest, and if you meditate once in a blue moon, you may be aware of the ripples that occur. Until you experience the absolute stillness of your mind, it becomes difficult to accept that it is not still. You are akin to that bird. “It’s a constant reminder to my brain that everything is fine.”. I’m not bothered by anything at all now. “Those are ribbings, don’t worry” it goes on to say. “God. The situation is enjoyable and it has given me the most joy in my life. ” That’s mind. Pay attention to the wavelets that emerge
Your mental state is what makes you feel like you’re in this world. The psyche is the collective term for the mind and emotions associated with an individual’s inner state. I desire that you perceive it as water. Is there a lake that doesn’t freeze up? It requires efforts to keep it that way. It is necessary to engage in meditation and yoga. Mantras and other techniques are not exempt from being used. Mantra is not a silent experience. What exactly is a mantra? It refers to the mind’s ability to generate wave-like waves. Because they are always speaking the same language, their personalities are similar, making it easier to ponder them. If your thoughts are focused on something else, like saying “God I worship” it’s a more peaceful place to unwind than asking why. It’s not my place to say that. My goodness, I’m so ashamed. Your mind is constantly making ripplets. Do you acknowledge that? I’ll clarify right away that it doesn’t have to be like that. The situation was not anticipated to be like that. That is not the appropriate way to view things. Living life is incredibly challenging when it comes to such things. The bird’s difficulty is often attributed to the noise and ripples, as well as the challenging circumstances. We are aware of the difficulty of times we have to face. Can you imagine the level of dread that comes with feeling unwell? Has anyone ever experienced such high levels of sickness as senior executives were throwing themselves overboard on the 20th floor of buildings in 1929?. Let’s talk about that. The hurricane-like intensity of the situation is a significant challenge. It becomes extremely difficult to cope with the tsunami-like intensity. It becomes astonishing and dreadful. The bird is floating on top of the same mind, but it has become so turbulent that it feels as though it’s being pulled under its own weight, feeling like a dying dream. It’s important to know that you, all of you and the rest, can manage this by calming your mind
You can attain such an unwavering level of motion that the sun peels away your wings, enabling you to take flight without any complications ever present. You have no memory of being in the water. The concept of’ Jivanmukta ‘is synonymous with liberation, as it signifies a free soul who has transcended the mind and gained freedom
Wavelets are formed when forces interact with the lake and water. It is common for physicists to inform you about this fact. Don’t use water in any other manner and leave it alone. Leave it alone and you’ll never have to worry again. Energy and force are required to cause a state of equilibrium, which is its natural state. According to Newton, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. ”
Stick your hand in the water and the water will disperse exactly to the extent of the mass of your hand. That’s what’s going on. So how does that translate to the mind? Why is the mind that is supposed to be, and was meant to be, a beautiful empty quiet thing, until you go to use it? There’s nothing wrong with floating on the water. If the bird is flying high we have a beautiful wetland down there — you see birds flying and may dive down to catch fish or they float. Herons dry their wings floating on the water so you can have fun with the water. You’re welcome to use your mind you welcome to create ripplets (thoughts) in the mind in accordance to what you’re trying to do, what you’re trying to accomplish
If I’m sitting there trying to figure out why electricity flows through a wire maybe I should create some thoughts. I am going to create some thoughts to think about that — there’s nothing wrong with that — the mind is a beautiful playpen. But it’s not a playpen when in and of itself it’s creating all these ripples and all this noise and sometimes going way South and pulling you under and you no longer have any idea who you are. Who you are is this tumultuous disturbed mind who’s trying to come back to peace; who’s trying to not be disturbed. You’re always trying not to be disturbed and we talk about that. I painted a picture very carefully about that bird. Every word I wrote was exactly what’s happening. I didn’t do any exaggeration, so I said your bird is floating on the water and notice that if the water’s tumultuous it has trouble. Therefore, it’s trying to have the water not to be tumultuous. That is what you’re doing every single second of your life. “No I’m trying to get a better job. I’m trying to find a girlfriend or boyfriend. I’m trying to blah, blah, blah, trying to get people to accept me and like me. ” You are trying to quieten your mind by getting a girlfriend or a boyfriend — you are trying to have your mind say nice things to you because other people say nice things to you — do you understand that?
If someone tells you that you look so much better than the last time they saw you, you think “Oh my God I love her, oh talk more, come on keep going, oh that is so beautiful. How did you come up with those words? They’re perfect, wow, thank you. ” But if your mind said that now you’d love it — the reason you are trying to get people say nice things about you and to you is because your mind gets quiet when they do it so it sits there and listens as people say “I’ve never loved anyone in my life as much as I love you. I can’t even talk. Just looking at you melts my whole being. ” That is not because of what they’re saying, it’s because it quiets your mind. What if they were saying that and they were a stalker standing outside your bedroom window saying that? How are you doing? Is you mind still quiet? I rest my case
I’m telling you you don’t care one iota about this world. Not you’ve meditated enough, that you’ve gotten beyond the world. You don’t care one iota about this world. Nobody cares one iota about this world. Nobody, the richest person in the world who’s greedy and trying to get more money couldn’t care less about money and couldn’t care less about this world. It is that when they are the one who has the most money and they become Forbes’ number one billionaire and they see their picture on the cover of Forbes, their mind goes “aaaaah”. Could I guarantee you if the night before that they had a dream, one of those really vivid dreams, like a spiritual dream, and it basically said to them “If you ever have the misfortune of getting your picture on the cover of Forbes as the richest person in this world you will never have another moment of peace and joy in your life: They will pick on you and steal from you and beg — you will be the sorriest person who ever walked the face of the earth — you will wish you were number two. ”
The reason you enjoy things is that they help to quiet your mind. When things disrupt your thinking process, you have a negative attitude. The reverse is true. Your satisfaction stems from the fact that you found comfort in something that made your mind remain still, quieter, or more relaxed
Stand in front of a painting, whether it’s Claude Monet or Renoir, and express your admiration for its beauty Mind Became quiet. You may not be able to describe the beauty of a Nazi painting if you are told that it was stolen. Beauty is viewed as subjective, which is not the case with beauty. Beauty is a subjective concept. You can easily switch to a different idea, and it will be less attractive. Since then, you have been like that bird and have forgotten about your actions due to the impact of the water on your life. You are ignorant of the fact that it is the water. The reason I am analyzing whether I have committed wrongdoing is due to my karma
You’ve attempted to implicate it in activities that are within your power. Although the bird is not in control of the water, its resting position on it determines its state. If the bird is not controlling itself, it cannot control anything that falls outside its control
You utter the words “I’m not happy.”. I was confident that I would be content. Our marriage has been ongoing for five years. It’s no longer effective for me. I’m not happy. “What have you done? The water is not dripping from your body inside.”. During our honeymoon, we experienced more than the same amount of discomfort during our first meeting. I’m not sure how you feel about losing your job. The inability to have children, regardless of the cause, is a significant concern. “My God, this is not working out for me!”. You are not entitled to say “I don’t like this.”. You are the consciousness that is situated on a disturbed mind, saying unpleasant things and resting on it. He said:’ I don’t want him to come home. He doesn’t feel at ease with me and I’m not prepared to engage in any conversation. He is unable to comprehend my emotions. Does that mentality bring joy?
You’ve been there – you have a disturbed mind, and you are sleeping on that. You have no idea how to fix your mind. How can I improve my mental state? It’s part of being who You are. You can do without fixating on your own thoughts. If your mind is causing you distress, it’s simpler to fixate on the fact that you don’t know if you still have feelings for him. When you’re having a difficult time with your spouse and attending golf or tennis lessons, the mind becomes quiet when the professional player shows appreciation by hugging you. You’re implying that you have a problem with this disturbed mental state. Suddenly, you’re leaving your family because the tennis player has a problem with quiet mind
Your mind is anchored to that, and you have lost your sense of Self. Nevertheless, your mind is what it is, just like that bird. There is no indication of any other solution except for the water to become murky. Your goal is to manipulate the world around you so that it becomes more comfortable and peaceful and not disturbs your mind. Is that something you witness? Are you cognizant of it? That’s all being done by everyone. You are a deity of thought?. Regardless of your mental state, you will engage in activities that are not part of regular life. You will attempt to change the external world and exert control over it, causing your mind to react with “Oh, I like that” instead of dismissing the idea. That’s not to my liking. ”
I mean that’s ridiculous it’s just a mind — this is the body of water in there that can make ripples or not make ripples. It can get nice in there can’t it? And it can get really disturbing in there can’t it? Just like the water that has nothing to do with you. You are the one who’s experiencing that
If you sit there and tell me “Oh My God my heart is hurting me, it’s hurting my mind, it’s driving me crazy since he left. ” I’m going to ask you a very simple question. You won’t like it. I am going to ask you how do you know? I’m asking you how do you know? How do you know your heart hurts? You have never asked yourself that question. “How do I stop it? ” All you care about is stopping your heart from hurting. Who are you who is in there that notices that the heart hurts because you are not the hurting heart? You said my heart hurts. Who’s? My is a possessive pronoun — your words are actually correct. That’s what’s hilarious. Your words are very, very spiritual the way you describe things. “Oh my hand hurts” I don’t understand — I thought you were your body? You said it’s my hand. Who’s? Who’s hand? My purse. My piano. My hand. I’m not an identity with the piano. I’m not an identity with the purse. I’m not identity with a car. I’m not an identity with the hand. I am the one who’s noticing the hand and calling it mine
You know how tenuous ‘mine’ is watch this: You walk into a car dealership. You don’t happen to own a car. You put down some money, you get into a car — it’s mine. It’s really funny. It’s mine. How did it become yours? It’s not you — it’s a possession that you have. You in there were in there before you had the car. You, the same you who has the car are you not? I am telling you, though you will not like it: You are the viewer standing staring at the hand and it gets chopped off: You’re still there staring at the ‘not hand’. Yes or no? You have not changed one iota — you are the exact same conscious being inside saying this is my hand. What happened to my hand? Where’s my hand? It’s the same person. That is you. That is the consciousness, the awareness of BEing. It is the exact same thing with your inner state. My heart hurts. Who’s heart? The one who’s noticing that there’s a thing in here that’s going on. I am the experiencer of the hurting heart. Has it always hurt? No. How do you know? Because I was in there then and I am in here now. I’ve always been in here. How long have you been in there? Did your heart ever hurt when you were 12? Did you know? Was it the same you who knew? You are the bird, the consciousness, Self — floating on the ocean of mind
When the mind is calm you’re fine when the mind is tumultuous you are not. Since you know this — this is the core of what you know. Like cave people “Me like; me not like; me like calm; me not like turmoil. ” Who taught you that? Your parents? You have to go to school to learn that? No, that intuitively comes in then. I don’t want to be drowned. I like it being comfortable in here. Of course you do. Don’t give that up — you could never give that up — understand that — that’s part of your nature. So, your BEing is in there. You are resting on this lake — you don’t realise that because you’re so lost in it. Your resting on this lake. And you’re only OK when the lake is O K. Y ou’re never OK when the lake is tumultuous. Right now you don’t understand. That is what yoga is trying to teach you
You are not your mind — you are resting on your mind. Your mind is your ego. You are the observer. You are the witness
Therefore, you’re experiencing the state of your mind. You have no idea what to do about it, other than you have noticed that if something outside of you says something to you, sometimes your mind likes it, and it gets quiet, and if something outside you said something to you, sometimes your mind doesn’t like it, and it becomes tumultuous. Have you noticed that? Sometimes if you notice if you’re building a house someday you’ll do that and they paint the wall with the colour you picked and it doesn’t always look exactly what you thought it was going to: Notice the word ‘thought’ — that’s mind by the way. That you thought it was going to and now every time you walk into the room the mind disturbs you. It’s not funny it’s like you walked into a room and the mind says “Oh my God I can’t believe I picked that colour”, every single time “I can’t even understand why I picked that colour, I should have picked the other one! ” You’re disturbed. And at other times you get it just right — your mind says it’s just right. What determines if it’s just right — your mind?
Since you have experienced you’re floating on the mind — when the mind is calm you’re fine. And when the mind is tumultuous you’re very not OK — and everything in between and so now you’ve noticed that states of the outside world affects your mind. Have you noticed that yet? OK, therefore you are out there attempting to manipulate the world, which is impossible, so that when it comes in your mind becomes quiet and you’re out there attempting to manipulate the world so that when it comes in your mind is not going to go into turmoil. I’m telling you that is exactly the same as the bird deciding how to make the water quiet. So, basically you feel you have no choice. I have no choice. “I’m not happy”. What does that mean? Your mind is not O K. T herefore I need to find another relationship; therefore if I need to change my job; therefore I need to do this; therefore I need to do that. It literally runs you. It tries to figure out — that that’s the most funny part. Are you ready? Your mind is doing all this — when you want to fix it you go to the exact same mind. You listen to me I’m scolding you. You go to the exact same mind that isn’t OK and ask it what needs to happen outside so that I am OK. “Oh my God that’s unbelievable”- if something is not OK it doesn’t know how to be O K. I t’s not O K. D on’t be jealous and then ask jealousy about how to not be jealous — jealousy does not know how not to be jealous. Why? Because jealousy is jealous
You have to abstract from being caught in that state to where you get clarity. Now you can look and see about changing things: But that’s not what you do. I told you the ultimate. “I have a totally disturbed mind. I am on withdrawal. I was hooked on you. I’m trying to go through withdrawal. My mind’s disturbed. ” What do you think your mind is telling you to do? Just once more you’ll be OK if you can get it you’ll calm down then you can get off the stuff. What you want to say that if you do it just once more right, I get my strength back. If I get my strength back I’ll be able to go through withdrawal. It literally makes sense to that mind and it says stuff like this. I know people that try to stop smoking — they can’t — they tried many times so now I see them smoking. I ask “What are you doing? ” “Well I have trouble not smoking, right so I thought about it. If I smoked two packs today instead of one I’ll get so sick of it that that’ll stop me from smoking. “ People actually do that. I’m serious, you have no idea what the mind’s going to say when it’s disturbed. So, it’s bad enough that you rest on your mind. You don’t know what to do — so what you do is you go to the disturbed mind while it’s disturbed and say what should I do to change the outside?
You know the expressions “It seemed like a good idea at the time. ” That’s exactly what I’m talking about. This is so real. I want you to own it. So, basically you are resting on this mind — the mind gets calm or disturbed by different things, which you understand. You just wanted to be nice, just like the bird, and you do get like that bird and make up all kinds of things about how to make it happen. You’re disturbed, you are not with your living conditions. So, you start thinking “Well let’s see if I can get the raise. I can make an investment in a market and I heard those new bitcoins went up 800% in the last eight months. I going to put all my money into bitcoins. I will make a new start and I can figure it out. Then I’ll be wealthier and have a nice car, and I will attract the right person. ” So, the mind when it is in disturbance you go to that mind and it tries to figure out every thought your entire life: The only thing your mind has done is complain that it is not OK and tried to figure out what everybody else needs to be or do so you can be O K. A t no time did the mind say “I’m not OK, I should shut up. ” No it didn’t say that. When you went to the mind and said “Oh mind, what do I do with this turmoil? ” It didn’t say “I don’t know, I’m just a mind” — it didn’t say that — it tried to figure it out. It just kept thinking — that’s why it’s thinking all the time. People ask me why does that voice in the head just not shut up? Because you told it to try to figure it out — that’s all it’s trying to do is figure it out all the time. It’s trying to figure out what’s wrong and what to do about it, but at no time does it say what’s wrong is that I’m complaining. It says how do I fix what I’m complaining about? What is all that about? It’s what the bird is going through. You’re relying on the mind: When the mind is disturbed you don’t distinguish yourself from the mind. When you mind is disturbed, you’re disturbed
So, you’re floating on the water. The only way you know to be OK, because that’s the only way the mind knows, is when the outside world comes in the mind is quiet, OK, so I need to figure out how the outside world needs to be and I mean down to the slightest detail. Especially a relationship! “Exactly how is she supposed to be? ” If she is not that way well we’ll work on it. So now you’re left in a situation where you need to figure out how the world needs to be — two things — how the world needs to be so that when it comes in you’re OK, and you’re doing that based on your disturbed state so good luck with that, and second and more important: “Now I think I’ve figured out, I got it I got it went to a coaching seminar and a life coach told me how I should be — and I got this — I see what I’ve been doing wrong; I see I need to put my emphasis on this and change this and do that then I’ll be OK. ” All right, well great I’m glad you feel good about it now go make it happen: Because that is equivalent to that bird having figured how to make the water be quiet. That’s not going to happen. Ever!
The world that is in front of you right now had not happened yet a moment ago — where did it come from? Do you think it came because you wanted it? No there are forces causing the world to be what it is — physics, chemistry, biology, psychology — the world in front of you is the result of all the causes that cause it to be that way. How much of those causes is what you want? How much of an acausal factor is the fact that you decided “But I want that job” — the fact that there is a job, the fact that there is a company, the fact that there’s other people who want that job, the fact that your past work was like this or that, the Universe and that there’s 800 million zillion variables — the fact that you want the job — that is not a causal factor. It’s just something you made-up in your head that will make you feel better if you get the job
There’s not a single book that you opened up in your studying natural science, meteorology, chemistry, physics, psychology, anything that when you were trying to study why things are the way they are that you opened it up and said “You did it”. Nothing is happening because that’s the way you want it or don’t want it — it is happening because of the trillions and trillions of forces that cause things to be the way they are. That’s the nature of the Universe
Every single thing of the moment in front of you is inherited from all the moments that ever were. That is equivalent to why the ocean is doing what it’s doing while the bird is floating on it — that bird can think all it wants that it’s causing it to happen — it’s not — it is not causing it to happen — there are forces that are causing it to be that way
It is you who wants to think you’re in control because you can’t handle that you’re not — because at any moment it might get tumultuous. “No, I have control over this — it’s how I’m holding my eyes — it’s what I’m saying in my head — it’s how I sung my song before — it’s karma from a past life. ” Just have fun letting your mind develop a world that says I have control over what’s coming in — you do not. Christ said “Let those who have eyes to see let them see, but those have ears to hear let them hear” — in other words the world is unfolding in front of you — it is coming in through your senses — you have got some work to do if you can’t handle reality — if that’s what you’re doing with reality — you are not going anywhere — you’re going to struggle and suffer and get neurotic just like that bird. You’re going to feel — I have to figure out how to make it good now. I grew up doing everything I can — how do I manipulate it? You’re just busy thinking all the time. Every time you meet somebody you’ll be uncomfortable — you might not impress them, they might not like you, they might cause trouble. There is discomfort at all times inside of you, and not just saying you, generic you, humanity — there is discomfort all the time, no matter what is going on — every once in a while there’s a peak moment but it doesn’t last. It’s uncomfortable — you’re scared you’re scared something will go wrong. You might say the wrong thing and you will walk away from a conversation with somebody — the conversation’s over, but it’s not over inside your head. You are scared. We said there were forces that were causing the water to be the way it is — there are forces that are causing your mind to be the way it is — you are not doing it — you didn’t decide to have a neurotic mind
What has happened is past experiences you have had, some of them have come in and made you feel comfortable, that is perfectly natural — some of them have come in and made you feel comfortable. If you don’t think that’s natural, the example I always use is to have two butterflies flying around — gorgeous monarch butterflies — while three people standing next to you who are all nature lovers, come flying around over all your heads and land on your arm; both of them. They land on your arm — how you doing? A rattlesnake comes crawling up and comes close to you. Those things have nothing do with you — you did not choose those butterflies to land upon your arm and you didn’t choose that rattlesnake to rattle in but yet when they come in they’re either comfortable or not comfortable to you — fair enough — so that’s what the Buddhist mean by the ‘Nature of things’. Everything has its nature — nobody is denying that, so that when it comes in it will cause certain changes in the ripples of the mind. So, what they don’t last — a leaf will drop in the water — it will cause ripples — and they’ll go away. There is nothing to do about it. There’s nothing you can do about those ripples when the leaf falls in the water. I want you going to meditate on that. Anything you try to do will make more ripples. I’ll stick my hand and pull it out. I’ll jump in the water so that I can catch the next leaf before it falls. There’s not a single thing you can do aside from leaving the natural forces to let the ripple calm down, so butterflies may come and land there — beautiful right? That’s good. Rattlesnakes may rattle — not so nice — it goes away. Still the natural state with no other forces affecting it — you’re OK, and the vast majority of the time right now in the thing affecting the state of your mind is you. You’re in there worrying about what will happen in the future and holding on to what happened in the past. I’ve watched my mind — 95% of the problems of my mind thinks about are things that I decided I didn’t want or want — they are not rattlesnakes or butterflies. Or what if I go on holiday and it rains? I don’t want it to rain while I am in Hawaii — that’s ridiculous? I won’t like that — maybe I shouldn’t go — what is that? Those are ripples you are causing. There’s no rain right here — your mind is creating ripples. “Well what if I get married and he turns out to be doctor Jekyll and Mr Hyde? How will I know — I’ve only known him 12 years we only lived together for 11. I guess I’m very neurotic about that so I’ve checked this out for 11 years and now he tells me if we don’t get married he’s going to leave, or do I want him to leave, or don’t I want him to leave? If I really loved him, why didn’t I marry him? God I don’t know! ”
Who’s causing that? You! Your mind is causing its own ripples. So, the cause of these ripples in the mind are because you’ve had past experiences, some of them unpleasant, some of them are not: The bottom line is you held on those experiences — you have not let them end like the ripples of the leaf in the water. Not a single thing that has ever happened you you have let it be over. You store it. I mean little things, things that didn’t affect you strongly, you let go: The white lines on the road come and go — all kinds of clouds float by — but basically inside if something is extremely pleasant or extremely unpleasant I guarantee you it’s still there — it left an impression on you and now what happens is when the world is unfolding you’re judging it based on what it’s going to be like and you are out there trying to manipulate it — how do you manipulate it? By thinking about it therefore you’ve ended up with “I don’t want to live in there” you know all about it right? It’s very common. And you are busy — what is your option? Your option is to realise you are lying on a mind that is like lying on water and when the mind becomes disturbed it is not nice to be in there. If the mind becomes calm it’s nice to be in there. How do I not lie on the mind? Why can’t I just leave the mind to be what it is? When it sees a rattlesnake it gets disturbed. When it sees butterflies it gets calm. As it’s very nice it’s beautiful it’s like the seasons — it’s like the weather — the rain is nice — the wind is nice. Why can’t I be comfortable with the fact that the mind reacts and responds to the nature of things — why would it not — here’s a mirror — it reflects what’s in front of it — here’s a mind — it is moving in accordance to what comes in, but the movement is very quick — it comes through so somebody comes in and yells at you “Why did you do that? I told you not to do that. ” When you look at him, he didn’t tell you anything — he’s stuck on the wrong person but that’s the end of it. Next time he comes by you don’t say he’s going to yell — that’s beginners mind — it is clean — it went right through — it is storing anything personal you have to protect yourself. You don’t walk in the woods anymore why? Because you saw a rattlesnake once when 12 years ago you were in the Rocky Mountains. You understand that the highest thing you can do is to become comfortable with the different states of the mind so that you’re not freaking out when it’s going through its different states to become comfortable with the different states of the heart. Yes, somebody you love dies — the heart is going to have some trouble. If it’s not you better go to a doctor. Or you didn’t love him. How do you get your heart not to hurt when someone you love dies? You don’t. But you can be comfortable with the beauty of your heart saying I loved this person so much and when people talk about that I tell them I want you to feel that my heart is saying that’s how much I loved you — it is an expression of love not a question of pain. It’s natural — you feel comfortable with it. If you are comfortable with it you are healthy — it will go through it will pass and it will not leave scars — you will talk about how beautiful that relationship was and how “Oh my God” how you realised how much you really loved this person
So, what happens is you decide I am in here and I’m resting on the mind. I don’t have to be — I can extricate myself — and I’m sure you can — then you just fly. That bird is better off flying and then it’s welcome to go in the water if it wants to — but now it knows how to go in and come out -that’s what it wants — it’s liberated, it’s free — blue skies — gorgeous everywhere, all the time. But if something happens that makes the mind disturbed you notice you let it run its course. You’re strong, you’re healthy, and so on. So, how do you extricate yourself — you will not be able to extricate yourself by fighting the mind. That’s not what we’re going to do is come in here and fight with the mind — you can’t make those ripples be quiet — what you can do is be comfortable with the ripples. There are primary ripples and then there’s secondary ripples — like in war when they drop bombs, they say there’s a secondary explosion. What does that mean? It means it was a munitions factory so not only did we get the first explosion but it was much bigger so there was a secondary explosion. There are primary ripples, meaning the world comes in, it causes certain ripples in your mind. Get comfortable that the nature of things reflected in your mind. Somebody was mean and they mistreated you right — you went through the experience — that came in it felt yucky it doesn’t feel good with these mean people who mistreat you. Someone who lies to you and you find out they weren’t honest. You don’t feel good — that’s a primary ripple — it will pass by itself. What do you mean when you say I need help making a pass is you mean I’m resisting it — I need help learning how not to resist it. You don’t need help having a pass — I’m in big trouble now with all the therapists and psychologists. If you accept it completely it will pass — you do not need help stopping the ripples caused by the leaf — they will stop by themselves — they will run their course — so will everything inside of you but if I do this secondary ripple, which is what? I’m trying to take the leaf out — I’m trying to keep the leaf from coming back to me — I’m trying to — I don’t want this to happen, so I’m pushing it away. I’m suppressing it — now it doesn’t go away. You caused more ripples by flapping your wings to try and stop the ripples. You cause more ripples by flapping your wings that burn the water, thinking that that’s going to flap down the ripples. You are going to make more. OK when you’re in there struggling and fighting with the past and what might happen in the future and why did somebody say this, you are causing ripples by yourself
Yes, there are natural ripples. They are the reflection of the nature of what came in: They will come and they will go. You just be comfortable. You don’t react by fighting them. You don’t react by getting all weird inside and coming up with concepts of supposed to be not supposed to be and this is wrong: There’s no such thing as righteous anger — there is such a thing as “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth”. There is such a thing as a person who is centred enough and calm enough that they can stand in the presence of very disturbing things and bring harmony to it — that they could do — the big difference is that right that’s a passive activist — so, you realise you are causing at least 95% of all the Vrittis, ripples that are going on your mind — you did as a secondary reaction to what’s going on and now you’re reacting to the reacting. Reacting alright — it’s so complicated in there you can’t even see straight. What’s the way out? Stop the mind from reacting — no, rest quietly and let the ripples pass through — it takes time — relax and release. That’s the answer. You’re in there: You know you’re in there — you’re reacting to everything aren’t you. You’re only reaction at some point is relax it’s OK relax. Lean behind what’s happening. The ripples are in front of you — you’re lying on top of them — relax and release; someday you will float above them. All by yourself — you don’t try to float above them — That’s just mind — you just relax and release — stop being so interested in everything your mind has to say because 95% of its garbage — you’re going to see it’s all about how do I fix this? You’re just trying to stop the ripples, but by creating mind to stop mind you’re creating more mind! That’s all there is to it — you’ve just learn to relax — it’s what meditation is all about. That’s what all this stuff is about. The car in front of you is driving under the speed limit. OK what exactly do you think what is going on in your mind is going to do to fix that situation? There’s a sign that says 55mph — do you want to do 45mph? The right way, what’s that doing, causing you ripples, yes? Fine, the guy is driving below the speed limit a certain amount, you notice that you will be a little later than if he wasn’t there — you notice that rubbish you’re doing in your mind — just making you neurotic, this is causing more and more ripples then you go tell people. I am going to move. How can I relax when they are driving 10 mph below the speed limit?
I can give you the technique for that alright — it’s like I understand if you’re not doing something after learning how to do it you need a technique. Like if you are learning to play the piano but if you’re doing it you don’t need a technique to not do it. I’m playing with the scales of playing the piano and the teachers don’t know he hit the wrong note here — yes — I decided it would sound better but you’re supposed to be learning skills I can’t give you a technique for you to not do it the way you’re doing it — just decide that’s stupid you know play the thing right. OK it’s the same thing here, there is no technique at that point I just told you — the person driving your mind, starting to give you this junk you’re conscious of the talk I just gave you — you are sitting there saying there’s no benefit to me creating all these ripples inside my mind to do this I am going to just relax into the situation and not create secondary ripples. I am telling you there’s a doer in there that’s freaking out so it has to do something about everything near me. Relax: You relax, so don’t come back to me saying why won’t I relax? As I say in the ripples won’t go away no you’re supposed to be honouring and respecting the ripples. So what, you’re not making primary and secondary ripples: Well you’ve seen a lot here right so you relax and what will happen is they will run their course and the driver will turn away and you relax and you’ll be grateful that you didn’t cause all this trouble. You get stuck in a train, count the cars don’t complain about everything that could go wrong but just not behind the train. In Matthew 19: 14, Christ said, “ Let The Little children Come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. ” Be a child. Have fun! Some telling you to do that with all this stuff — like low hanging fruit — learn how to not create yourself problems and then you learn to relax with bigger things and bigger things and eventually when you can relax what that means is I’m not fixated on the ripples there are ripples I’ve see that come and go it’s OK you know I got somebody got sick for a day missed work then they go to work someone else got sick for a day, missed work and is all nervous or what happens again “I’ll lose my job and then they get sick of that”. Which are you? The person that can handle things or the person that can’t handle things? Stop it. Don’t think that there is an answer to that neurosis because there isn’t — the only answer is to relax and not create the secondary ripples and if you can do that you’ll start noticing primary ripples are not hard
Yes the world does lots of different things — it comes in and goes every day. You will start to fall in love with that. I am, going to stop it here. What do I do about floating above? That is like you’re in a hot air balloon — a helium hot air balloon — but it’s tethered to the ground isn’t it. How do I go up? Should I put more hot air in it? Should I raise the fire level so there’s more helium or whatever is going on? No, cut the tethers. But how will I go up? That’s the hilarious question — if you cut the tethers you are going up — there’s nothing for you to do at that point. Don’t be thinking anything like that — this is spiritual. Stop screwing with those ripples! Relax, let them pass. But they’re not passing! They will if you leave them. How long will it take? None of your business. But what if the tether’s hard to cut? How do I go up without cutting it? You don’t. But if it takes longer than I thought it would? You just do what you need to do to cut the tethers — you do what you do to relax in the face of the ripples. I’m begging you. I’ve told you a deep truth here — relax in the face of the ripples they will pass. If you don’t relax you will suppress them and they will not pass. They will keep bothering you for the rest of your life, because they’re trying to pass, and keep coming back up — so you relax and then you’re going to see you’re happier. Why am I happy — why would they make me happier? You’ll see — because your natural state is happy — your natural state is joy and your natural state is love — but why would it feel like love? I don’t have anybody — you’ll see — because love is nothing to do with anybody else — it has to do with your inner state of beauty and openness. You can start going up and up and because it’s now nice you don’t care about the ripples at all. That’s growing — you relax and release — start going up — then you really start to go up — at some point the spiral really strikes you — you start feeling joy; real joy like ecstasy. Like the highest state you’ve ever felt when your mind was quiet is going on all the time times 1000 — you know you’re holding your kid for the first time; you’re at your wedding day; right take that moment and it never goes away it only keeps growing no matter what’s happening. That’s yoga. Now you are somewhere. Now you are a higher BEing. You just keep getting pulled up into and eventually, that’s what the masters teach you — you are pulled up so far away from your personal self that you realise you can soar — you have nothing to do with that water and that you merge with the infinite
Sending you Love Light , and blessings brothers
Dr Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA (Cantab), PhD
Fully qualified and certified coach
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Dr Olly Alexander Branford MD, MBBS, MA (Cantab), PhD
Fully qualified and certified coach
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Guide -to-transformative-life-coaching’> transformativelifecoach. Co. Uk/blank-1 ‘> I have a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Ph DD octorate in Scientific Research from University College London (UCL); a Medical Degree (MD/MBBS) from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London and have been a doctor and reconstructive trauma and cancer surgeon in London for 20 years. I have a number of other higher qualifications in science and surgery. I have published over 50 peer reviewed PubMed cited scientific journal articles, have been an associate editor and frequent scientific faculty member, and am the author of several scientific books I have been awarded my Diploma in Transformative Life Coaching in London, which has International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accreditation, as well as the U KA ssociation for Coaching (AC), and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) I have been on my own transformative Journey Full time for over five years and I am ready to be your guide to you finding out Who you really are And how the world works
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