Air pollution has been a persistent issue in the United States for many years. The National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were established in 1970 as a result of the CAA’s enactment of extensive federal regulations on Air emissions, which are still used today to protect public health and measure Air Quality. An amendment to the CAA in 1990 imposed additional regulations on hazardous emissions, which were later strengthened 1.
The CAA reports a 78% reduction in air pollution of the six most common pollutants between 1970 and 2020, but many Americans still breathe unhealthy air outside and find little respite in their homes 2. Long-term exposure can result in serious health consequences.
Air Pollution
The mixture of pollutants that make up the air we breathe does not correspond to a single substance, but rather to various substances 3. Contaminants can come in the form of chemicals, particles, or biological agents that are produced by vehicle emissions, natural gas fires, coal power plants, manufacturing and power generation, and some natural sources, such as wildfires and livestock production 4.
Air pollution is the most significant risk to human life expectancy, reducing the global average lifespan by 2 years. 3 years. The amount is over three times greater than the result of alcohol use, and five times as significant as the impact of transportation injuries 5.
For people with Asthma —7. Air pollution poses a significant threat to the health of individuals in the United States, who make up 7% of the population 6. The worsening of air quality has been the subject of numerous studies Asthma symptoms Exposure to pollutants can result in asthma attacks, worsen symptoms, and cause more frequent hospitalizations. Exposure to vehicle emissions, fossil fuel burning, and secondhand smoke is a significant risk factor for asthma, which can be particularly severe in children 7.
Identifying the impact of air quality on asthma rates and severity is challenging due to the interplay between factors such as race, location, and socioeconomic status
I’m a middle-class asthmatic from California, of mixed race. Consequently, my encounter with diagnosis, treatment, and management is markedly dissimilar to that without my privilege. My healthcare and medication were readily available to me. I had a support system that supported my health and well-being. During my time in a progressive state, I worked tirelessly to reduce air pollution. Many asthmatics, particularly those of color, face historical and structural barriers to resources, care, and prevention, which are not the case for many others
Air Pollution and Racial Discrimination in Asthma
The Census Bureau categorizes densely developed residential, commercial, and nonresidential areas as a means of decreasing air quality, which is not unexpected. ” 8. About 80% of the U. S. Population lives in an urban area, and on average, these areas experience 47.5 days of extremely poor air quality, as compared to 3.8 days in rural areas 9. All told, this means that most Americans spend 13% of their year in poor air quality
Most Americans spend 13% of their year in poor air quality
The burden of these statistics is not carried equally across either racial or socioeconomic groups. Your race and socioeconomic status directly impact your exposure to pollution, not just where you live 10. On average, people of color are exposed to and breathe in more air pollution, with both Black and Hispanic populations experiencing higher exposure rates than white populations 11.
However, separating location from race and socioeconomic status can be difficult. The United States has a long history of oppression and discrimination that impacts where people of color, especially Black Americans, live and work. Historical redlining, for example, has been linked to disparities in air pollution exposure 12. It’s even been shown to worsen some of the environmental risk factors that cause asthma 13. 14. The now-illegal practice limited the development of green spaces and eventually raised city temperatures, two factors that can increase asthma risk 15. 16. 17.
What Is Redlining?
In the 1930s through the 1960s, many non-white neighborhoods were deemed as “credit unworthy. ” In essence, the whole neighborhood was given a bad credit score rather than accepting the credit scores of the individuals who lived in that neighborhood. This practice, also known as redlining, limited where non-white Americans could live, and spawned a long and complex legacy of policies that consistently disenfranchise Black people 18.
It’s in part due to policies like these that people of color make up 52% of those who live in areas affected by at least one form of pollution, despite making up only 4.6% of the U. S. Population 19.
All of this helps us to understand why Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous populations have the highest asthma rates, deaths, and hospitalizations of any other racial groups in the U. S 20. The numbers are staggering. Black Americans are 42% more likely than white Americans to be living with asthma 21. Puerto Ricans have the highest rates of asthma when compared to any other racial or ethnic group in the country. American Indian and Alaskan Native children are 50% more likely to have asthma than other groups 20. The body of research only continues to grow
Addressing the Structural and societal inequalities That have created these problems takes time and persistence—and while that work is being done, people with asthma still need to find a way to move through a world that already makes it difficult to breathe
Managing Asthma In a Polluted World
“As easy as breathing” takes on a different meaning when you have asthma in a world with unclean air. Even in the best of circumstances, managing asthma can feel like a constant guessing game. The situation becomes more alarming when you factor in the social and structural barriers that people of color with asthma face. Apart from putting these communities at higher risks for asthma, it can also prevent them from receiving care for their condition
Even in the best of circumstances, managing asthma can feel like a constant guessing game. The situation becomes more alarming when you factor in the social and structural barriers that people of color with asthma face
One of the most important components of asthma management is regular appointments with a primary care provider. However, that requires Having A primary care provider. The legacy of discrimination in the medical field is well known, and this long history of mistrust between the Black community and medical professionals has created many racial disparities in healthcare, including asthma care 22.
Black Americans, for example, are more likely to rely on the emergency room (ER) for medical treatment, rather than a primary care provider 23. While data on how other racial groups view medical providers needs further research, it isn’t hard to see how other people of color may be repeatedly discouraged by similar mistrust of doctors.
Closing these gaps, and many others like them, is central to taking the disproportionate effects of asthma off of communities of color. This work takes many forms, from making changes that dismantle Systemic racism In the medical community to smaller-scale projects, like replacing Gas stoves In the homes of kids with asthma. That’s work The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) is undertaking with its CAPP+ Home Repairs Program. You can read more about their work ahead.
For those of us with asthma, it takes a combination of changes both big and small to manage our condition. That’s on a good day when it’s not aggravated by the air around us. While it may seem bold to claim that cleaning the air improves asthma outcomes, the link is well established. Environmental improvements and health outcomes go hand in hand. Asthma is just the start
Riyana Straetker
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does asthma get worse with age?
It is common for childhood asthma symptoms to improve with age. Some people even report feeling as if their asthma “went away. ” 24.
As you age, your asthma symptoms may alter or become more challenging to manage 25. To manage your asthma and allergies, an allergist can prescribe treatment options
Learn More: Is it possible to eliminate Asthma Symptoms? -
Is there a correlation between asthma and reduced lifespan?
Your life expectancy could be impacted by asthma. Asthma was found to reduce life expectancy by up to 3 years in some cases, as per a study conducted in 2016.3 years 26. The good news is that asthma can be treated and managed effectively with various methods, which can improve your life expectancy
If asthma is not treated, what are the consequences?
Untreated asthma can result in a range of health issues. The airways are affected by chronic inflammation, which can lead to increased risk of serious illness Pneumonia Or Influenza (flu) Complications 27. 28. If left untreated, asthma can result in hospitalization or death 29.
Seek medical advice on how to manage and treat your asthma
More on Asthma
Environmental Protection Agency The Clean Air Act provides a brief overview
Environmental Protection Agency The air of our nation: trends for 2020.
World Health Organization Air pollution
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Air pollution can have detrimental effects on your health
Energy Policy Institute, University of Chicago The annual report reveals the air quality life index
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National asthma statistics released recently
Tiotiu AI, Novakova P, Nedeva D, et al The impact of air pollution on asthma is a concern Int JE nviron Res Public Health 2020; 17 (17): 6212. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph17176212
Census Bureau The 2020 census will indicate a shift in the nation’s urban and rural populations
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The authors propose that Nunez Y, Benavides J, Shearston JA, and others share similar ideas Air pollution emissions in the United States from 1970 to 2010 were examined through an environmental justice analysis Nat Commun 2024; 15 (1): 268. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-43492-9
Among the authors are Tessum, Paolella DA, Chambliss SE, Apte JS, Hill JD, and Marshall DJ PM2. In the United States, people of color are disproportionately and systemically affected by 5 polluters Sci Adv 2021; 7 (18): eabf4491. Doi: 10.1126/sciadv. Abf4491
The authors are Lane HM, Morello-Frosch R, Marshall JD, and Apte JS United States: Historical redlining is associated with present-day air pollution disparities Environ Sci Technol Lett 2022; 9 (4): 345-350. Doi: 10.1021/acs. Estlett. 1c01012
Bose S, Madrigano J, Hansel NN Health disparities that are most noticeable include redlining, air pollution, and asthma The Am JR espir Crit Care Med study on respiratory diseases 2022; 206 (7): 803-804. Doi: 10.1164/rccm. 202206-1063ED
Schuyler AJ, Wenzel SE The effects of historical redlining on black adults and their environmental and asthma-related outcomes are still evident in contemporary settings The Am JR espir Crit Care Med study on respiratory diseases 2022; 206 (7): 824-837. Doi: 10.1164/rccm. 202112-2707oc
Nardone A, Rudolph KE, Morello-Frosch R, Casey JA A comparison of the relationship between redlines and greenspace in the United States from 2010 to present day Environ Health Perspect 2021; 129 (1): 17006. Doi: 10.1289/ehp7495
Namin S, Xu W, Zhou Y, Beyer K The Home Owners’ Loan Corporation’s legacy and the political ecology of urban trees and air pollution in the United States are both issues that need to be addressed Soc Sci Med 2020; 246: 112758. Doi: 10.1016/j. Socscimed. 2019.112758
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The authors are Egede, RJ (Eagles), RJC (Campbell), JA (Linda) S, Hawks LC (Bob and his colleagues) and KM (Bucket and crew) Despite the challenges of redlining in the past, it has still left a lasting impact on modern times JG en Intern Med 2023; 38 (6): 1534-1537. Doi: 10.1007%2Fs11606-023-08051-4
American Lung Association Key findings on the state of the atmosphere
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Asthma disparities in America
American Lung Association Asthma trends and burden
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Asthma prevalence in Black individuals is high
Arnett MJ, Thorpe RJ, Gaskin DJ, Bowie JV, and LaVeist TA are all musicians who have musical expertise in their respective fields The study on health disparities in integrated communities analyzed the impact of race, medical mistrust, and segregation in primary care as the standard source of care JU rban Health 2016; 93 (3): 456-467. Doi: 10.1007/s11524-016-0054-9
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Asthma in children
Dunn RM, Busse PJ, and Wechsler ME are all potential researchers In both senior and elderly individuals, asthma is a late-onset condition Allergy 2018; 73 (2): 284-294. Doi: 10.1111/all. 13258
Lange P, olak Y, Ingebrigtsen TS, Vestbo J, Marott JL In the Copenhagen City Heart study, a prospective population-based analysis found that asthma had significantly higher long-term prognosis than chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma-chronic OPPHP Lancet Respir Med 2016; 4 (6): 454-462. Doi: 10.1016/s2213-2600 (16) 00098-9
Fehrenbach H, Wagner C, Wegmann M The significance of airway remodeling in asthma patients is undeniable Cell Tissue Res 2017; 367 (3): 551-569. Doi: 10.1007/s00441-016-2566-8
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Flu & people with asthma