LeadershipI appreciate your loyalty

I appreciate your loyalty

Beware the De-Nester

February 17,2025 Volume 7, Number 07

This Week’s Summary:

Learned : Have a systems

Planning : Systems enable the plan

Business idea : Capture your systems

Vet Opp : Construction Industry

I met: Brothers of the Regiment

Quote of the Week: Stoic

He who laughs at himself never gets enough of anything to laugh about


What I discovered this week::

Since my days as a Boy Scout, I have been building habits and systems or routines into every aspect of my life. It is important to be aware of the spot in your rucksack where you stored your knife or the matches. I continued to engage in this behavior throughout my time in the military. Even in my daily carry rucksack, I still adhere to certain habits or packing systems while hunting. I have a clear understanding of the pocket where the cords are kept. I am aware of the whereabouts of my spare earpiece and the additional pens. Everything has a place. By identifying the inch display and the location of keyboard shortcuts, the system simplifies my life. By engaging in these activities, I decrease the anxiety of locating my power cord or truck keys. This intentional action allows me to concentrate on more important matters like my upcoming keynote or the person I can refer to after meeting them. The system is functional until it stops working. Until I’m unconvinced, that all took place this weekend. Suzanne and I attended the Achieve Biz Explosion conference in Denver. The conference hotel provided us with a favorable room. We travel together, and there’s only one thing that sets us apart when traveling. Suzanne was not returning to Texas, where she was on her way to visit our folks. The system was not employed here. The hotel desk was where I found my new electronic notepad. No big deal. It was in close proximity to my computer. The fact that Suzanne had her new electronic notepad out didn’t surprise me. The fact that the two gadgets have different models and makes, but still look similar is not something I took into account. Due to its similarity, I discovered a new term by de-nesting. Whenever we arrive on an airplane or in hotel rooms, I have been making fun of Suzanne’s “nesting” scene. It’s her job to tidy up the room after we leave, and she takes it out of the way. De-nesting is the process of ensuring that everything is secured before the final departure. Her talent is undeniable. She was so pleased with me that she packed my electronic notepad and took it to Texas. I exited my body. The system involves me using the item, and then it is put back into its original state. Unless it is not there, the item remains in its usual place. The object was located in Texas during this particular case. You should maintain, supervise, and refine your system when you have one. In the event that you deactivate the system and search your backpack for an item, but it is not found, question yourself, “where did I fail?”

The week’s planning plan::

Effective execution is achieved through the use of systems. Plans come and go. Success in our lives and business is dependent on the systems we put in place. With systems, you can scale and improve your skills in what you do

I was informed about or entertained with a business idea::

I had a conversation with my B2B group on Thursday morning regarding the use of systems in our businesses. The purpose of implementing systems is not exclusively to enhance business performance. They boost the profitability of your business. This morning, we talked about M&A and the lack of simple systems for tracking cash flows and implementing marketing and sales systems among businesses. We become so engrossed in our daily routine that we fail to recognize that the system we devised to accomplish XYZ is purely mental. If it’s all in our heads, it cannot be passed down, nor can it scale, and you certainly can’t sell it. The fact that it’s not difficult to capture these systems and hand them over is ironic. There are various tools available that can assist with this task. My expertise lies in Loom and the screen capture program that can be used during recording. You can use the captured how-to-do to train someone else to do it for you or sell the business as an asset, which will increase its value because anyone can learn it

The Steel Men Tribe Launched last week. We have two available time slots. Steel Men Tribe is a small group of Men who share an unwavering passion for change, and they encourage you to contact them directly to see if you fit in

The week’s opportunity for veterans::

You’ve always dreamed of driving down the road to point at a building and say: “I built that.”. Now is your chance. Construction remains a significant industry. Veterans are being supported by the NCCER to transition into the Construction industry. Gain insight into how to become a heroic figure in the face of social pressure Here

A person I encountered this week::

I have a special affection for another brother who is from the Regiment. During the weekend, I was fortunate enough to bring Two of my fellow 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) members to attend the Achieve conference. As we got to know each other, I was reminded of the bond that we shared, despite both of these guys being in Groups and knowing they were serving well after me. Looking back on our conversations, it’s funny to see the people in our vicinity who are unaware of our bond. Our Regiment shares a stronger bond than any other association I have experienced. Watch for these two men who are making a difference in the world and beyond. Nathan’s wealth management company is thriving and expanding throughout the country. Marc is establishing a training range and defensive shooting range in the East of the town. More to come with both!


Your feedback is always welcome from us. We are experimenting with the new summary section that appears at the top. Please share with us your thoughts!

The 10 XY our Team with Cam & Otis podcast is now available, and you can access it by clicking here “Preserving History with Val Burgess: epistle829Exchange Number #39”

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