Joy Behar. Have you considered carrying it for the sake of freedom?.
December 19 incident of 7 days before Christmas. The View. Behar, 82, and her co-hosts. Whoopi Goldberg. Barbara Haines., and. Sasha Farah Griffin. Debated a latest. Buzz headline. After years of grappling with body insecurities, a woman was instructed by her therapist to maintain her gender identity while wearing the lights every month. .
The article writer was told by Goldberg, aged 69, that she didn’t think she was adequately attractive, and then advised him to put the issue aside.If you don’t have faith in your own physical appearance, nobody will believe you.It’s important to seek therapy And find a solution.
Despite this, Haines, aged 47, shared that she finds satisfaction in having intercourse in the dark.
“I would advise you to stay in the dark” she explains.
“I feel like I’m shining in the dark” She joked.
On the other palm, Behar is unafraid to exhibit almost everything in the light, but he cautions against turning your back while using the bathroom.You walk backwards.The boobies are hanging, but what about the behind?.
Thompson, 35, and Goldberg concurred that if the lights are on, they can see what they’re bringing to the table.
According to Haines, men who have sex with men are more likely to be visually alert, and they would appreciate it if their husband, Max Shifrin, were instructed to switch off all lights in the house and flood lights on his driveway.
The conversation was brought to a close by Behar, who mocked the idea of being naked and asked for remuneration on Venmo afterwaRoad7abs.
In 2022, Behar created. Another gender testimony. On. The View. Exhibiting, “I have had sex with some ghosts but never become pregnant”.
Goldberg’s co-hosts were all smiles when she said, “I’m just going to let it go.”.I’m not sure how many of you were able to hear Joy’s statement, but I won’t take it at face value.
The View. Watch ABC’s Tuesday afternoon simulcast (check for specifics).