ArticleMoon's 6 Most Spectacular Facts

Moon’s 6 Most Spectacular Facts

The Moon’s orbit is relatively close to Earth, spanning a distance of 238,900 miles. Thus, we can gain insight into our singular planet by examining it from our backyards. The Moon’s true nature is not as straightforward as it appears. My favorite facts about our planet are presented below

6. The Moon Is quite massive!

Although the Moon is not the largest planetary satellite in the Solar System, it is still the most massive relative to its planet, at a distance of some 582 km. The following are the most significant satellites of each planet, their relative sizes (Mercury and Venus have no moon): 1:

The Earth-Moon System is frequently referred to as the closest possible double planet in our Solar System due to its size exceeding that of Earth. Despite this, the system doesn’t meet the criteria technically since its center of mass is situated within Earth’s body and not between the Moon and Earth

When compared to Earth, the Moon’s size is roughly equivalent to that of the United States or Europe

An illustration of the outline of the United States on the Moon for size comparison purposes.

5. We always have One Side to turn our attention towards

Pink Floyd’s confusingly named album shouldn’t be misunderstood A look at the Dark Side of the Moon Do not deceive you into thinking that one side of the Moon is always dark. In fact From Earth’s perspective, which half of the Moon is illuminated? Depends on the location of our satellite in orbit

However, one thing that Is The phenomenon of synchronous tidal locking ensures that the Moon always appears on one side. The process was initiated at birth when a massive object collided with Earth, resulting in accumulated debris that solidified over time. As the early Moon was spun and transformed, it released energy in the form of heat. As the energy was lost, the Moon’s rotation slowed down until one rotation on its axis lasted as long as one orbit around Earth

The synchronous tidal locking process is not exclusive to the Moon. The tidal attraction between the satellites of each planet and their host is why they are named in the table above, just as the Moon is locked to us

4. The Moon Is no longer in our sight

The Moon’s movement away from Earth is primarily due to the tides that occur on the surface of the Earth. Although the Moon’s gravity is responsible for its orbit, it also exerts a gravitational pull on us, resulting in tidal bulges in our oceans

The alignment between Earth’s tidal bulges and the Moon is not correct, as our underlying tectonic inclination places us slightly above the lunar surface, leading to a corresponding lag. Earth’s tidal bulge generates energy for the Moon, which propels it towards a higher orbit due to the lag

Despite this, the Moon is moving away at a rate of less than 4cm per year, which is equivalent to the growth of your nails! Additionally, even though the Sun may cause severe harm to Earth, it will most likely result in the destruction of our satellite and planets before it does

3. Earth’s Rotation Is being slowed Down by the Moon

The tides don’t conclude with the Moon’s retreat from Earth. Earlier, I wrote about the fact that our tidal bulge is situated before the Moon. The Moon’s attempt to bring the Earth back into its orbit through tidal lag slowly depletes its rotational energy, leading to a slow spin

Once more, you can ignore the fact that our day is only going to be prolonged by 2 years due to the Earth’s slow rotation. 2 seconds every 100,000 years. Inertia will prevent our planet from stopping its rotation without any catastrophic events, such as a massive impact from another star or the transformation of our Sun into’ them ‘

2. The Moon’s Creation Was a Significant Event

The Moon’s formation process is widely believed to have occurred around 4 billion years ago, according to one of the most popular theories. A violent collision between a young Earth and astronomical object that was much larger than Mars in size occurred approximately 5 billion years ago

A reproduced image of an object hitting Earth.

The collision generated significant quantities of extremely hot molten silicate material, which is composed of fractured components of the Earth’s crust and mantle and the offending object. The pieces were cooled and then moved around the Earth in a dense, doughnut-shaped orbit, and later combined by gravitational forces to form the Moon

Earlier theories about how the Moon was formed, such as the belief that Earth captured it as it passed or that the Moon and Earth were formed simultaneously from the same materials, have been refuted by analysis of rock samples taken during the Apollo missions in the 1960s and 1970s

1. So far, only 12 People Have Walked on the Moon

EVA (lunar extravehicular activity) has not been observed on the Moon in 53 years, with money and politics being the primary impediments to achieving this feat

Surprisingly, all twelve Moon walkers were men from the United States, who travelled between Apollo 11 and 17 missions representing NASA, the U SA ir Force, and the Navy

The duration of the EVAs on the moon has been extended over time. In 1969, Neil Armstrong spent less than 24 hours on the Moon, while Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent four days on our Moon in 1972.

The good news is that NASA is aiming to bring an end to our 50-year separation from our planet’s neighbor within the next few years. The Artemis mission is expected to have five crucial phases and will eventually lead us to the Moon in 2027::

The Space Launch System and Orion Module were subjected to an uncrewed test during this phase

Phase completed (Nov-Dec 2022)

The second phase of the mission will involve a crewed flight beyond the Moon, which will take humans as far away as they have ever been

No earlier than April 2026

This will be the initial time a crew has landed on the Moon since Apollo 17 in 1972. A black woman will be the first female and male to set foot on the moon

During this phase, two more astronauts will arrive on the Moon, and a core portion of the new lunar space station (Gateway) will be put into orbit

In Phase 5, Gateway will have a third crewed landing and the addition of another core module

The Artemis phase dates are subject to change, as is the case with all space missions. It is a fact that all the dates have already been changed multiple times. The dates mentioned above were valid as of February 2025.

The Artemis mission of NASA is available for viewing through the company’s website Artemis blog

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