ArticleWhat is the ideal feeding amount and frequency for My Senior feline?

What is the ideal feeding amount and frequency for My Senior feline?

“My 12-year-old feline is a complete stranger to me. He used to wander around in the open air but is now stuck inside and wants to consume food constantly. I continued to feed him ad-lib for several months, but then he started becoming overweight, vomiting, and sleeping under blankets all day long

I have started introducing a small quantity (heaping teaspoon) to him 2-4 times per day. I provide a variety of raw food options for my dog, such as taurine, sardines, canned rabbit/mouse, and some kibbles. Every morning, he consumes some grass in his outdoor pen

He has become slimmer and more playful, having lost a few pounds. Would it be beneficial to have a lower intake of food for my child in order to prolong their lives?

Sweet Senior Cat Is set to Score a Home run and Is Sponsored by the Florida Panthers Hockey team Sweet Senior Cat Is set to Score a Home run and Is Sponsored by the Florida Panthers Hockey team

Provide Small Meals to Cats Throughout the Day

The way your cat is being fed at the moment is excellent. Feeding is the most frequent and effective method for cats to consume small amounts of food

A housecat that is mildly active and neutered has a daily intake of approximately 55 kilocalories per kilogram of body weight. To meet the caloric requirements, your cat would need to consume roughly 9 mice daily. The average mouse intakes around 30 kilocalories. He is not going to save a few mice for sustenance like he would with dogs, but rather hunts for this food. He will consume food nine times daily

Unlike humans and dogs, senior cats do not have the same metabolic rate, so their diet should still provide enough calories for their age. As cats age, they tend to become smaller than obese individuals

The research on feeding Cats for long-term health Is Lacking

The matter of which diet is most beneficial for a longer lifespan is still being debated. Several veterinary nutritionists have advised senior cats to follow a low-protein diet, but there is no evidence to support this claim, while we have discovered that seniors require more protein than usual in humans and dogs. Seniors are particularly dependent on protein as lean body mass decreases with age; muscle wasting is a major cause of weakness, and lifespan has been linked to maintaining muscle mass

For most cats, a Either raw or home-cooked chicken is a good source of nutrition Providing your dog with raw meat, fish, and rabbit is a healthy alternative to meeting your daily protein requirements

There is no research available to determine the most effective diet for cats to maintain their health for longer. One commercial diet has been found to have a lower incidence of age-related metabolic markers, but no research has examined the effects of whole or commercial processed diets on longevity

The comparison of cat food with another cheap processed dry food was the basis for a Purina (Nestlé) study on cat lifespan. The commercial diet employed in The study of age-related markers, sponsored by Hills, contains wheat, corn, gluten meal, and cheap byproducts such as rice brewers, while antioxidants added to cheaper cat food led to improved life

It would be beneficial to conduct a study that revealed the difference in lifespan for cats fed primarily meat and whole-food foods, but the expense of conducting such studies is not justified

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What is the recommended food for a Cat?

Taurine is essential for cats, which are obligate carnivores, and a 2023 study on aging in various species found that adding taurine to reduce the effects of oxidation. The way it does this is by suppressing mitochondrial dysfunction, minimizing DNA damage, and decreasing inflammation. Raw meat contains the highest concentration of taurine, which is destroyed by heat

A low-cost vegetarian diet is often associated with Vitamin B12 deficiency in cats. Signs of B12 deficiency in cats include::

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight loss
  • Lethargy

B12 deficiency can cause liver problems, pancreatic disease, or a gastric problem in cats on commercial diets. (4) Many Cats suffering from GI conditions, such as IBS, are also susceptible Benefit from a high-quality animal protein diet that includes sufficient B12 intake

Cats suffering from The secondary manifestation of struvite crystals is cytotitis A high-quality diet that does not contain carbohydrate fillers is a viable treatment option for many other diseases


What is the daily food requirement for cats?

About 50 calories per kilogram of body weight is required by cats daily. The quantity of food you give your cat will vary based on the diet’s density, but a healthy and typical 10-pound cat that is fed whole foods should achieve no hunger. A day contains 6 cups or 5 ounces of liquid

Your cat will receive this amount for the entire day, and it must be divided accordingly. In the event of illness, such as hyperthyroidism, which alters his metabolic rate, he may require increased energy levels

What is the appropriate amount and frequency of food for my feline companion?

The amount of food your cat needs to consume in its natural habitat is the determining factor for its diet. Assuming your cat had to eat approximately nine times a day, it would have to hunt throughout the day and consume small animals like mice

Feeding your cat frequently is not necessary, but if you want to give them some time, consider giving them a small meal during the day

What is the ideal feeding schedule for my cat?

Although there are no specific times for feeding, most cats tolerate being fed three or four times a day, which is approximately every 6 hours. Feeding your cat more frequently is fine, but not less than three times a day

How long can my cat survive without consuming any food?

For a period of 12 to 24 hours, cats are capable of not eating. A fast of less than one day is not recommended for cats with an upset stomach, as they are not designed to go hungry


  • (1) Delgado M, Dantas LM S. P roviding Cats with Optimal Mental and Behavioral health through feeding. The Vet Clin North Am Small Anime practice is available. Doi: 10.1016/ J. C vsm. 2020.05.003. Epub 2020 Jul 8. PMID: 32653265; PMCID: PMC7415653. Https: //www. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/pmc/articles/PMC7415653/
  • (2) Ephraim E, Jewell D E. T he Impact of Nutrition on Age-Related Metabolic Markers and Gut Microbiota in Cats. Microorganisms. 2021 Nov 25; 9 (12): 2430. Doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9122430. PMID: 34946032; PMCID: PMC8706506. Https: //www. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/pmc/articles/PMC8706506/
  • A list of the most frequently used databases in China is maintained by researchers such as Singh P, Gollapalli K and Mangiola S. T he absence of taurine is a contributing factor to the aging process. Science. 2023 Jun 9; 380 (6649): eabn9257. Doi: 10.1126/science. Abn9257. Epub 2023 Jun 9. PMID: 37289866. Https: //pubmed. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/37289866/
  • Siani G, Mercaldo B, Alterisio MC, Di Loria A. N utrition, metabolism and Disease of cats with vitamin B12. Animals (Basel). 2023 Apr 26; 13 (9): 1474. Doi: 10.3390/ani13091474. PMID: 37174511; PMCID: PMC10177498. Https: //www. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih. Gov/pmc/articles/PMC10177498/

The information presented in this article is not intended to replace the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and personalized guidance from your veterinarian. If you notice any indications of distress in your animals, it is recommended that you seek the help of a veterinarian

© 2023 Mark dos Anjos, DVM

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