The Return to Real Movement
The “Return to Real” Movement is currently Taking shape, along with the secrets to wealth accumulation, authentic Living and a vibrant economy
There’s nothing more satisfying than writing in the early morning
Prior to the world reawakening
In my opinion, the act of looking into the quiet Vermont night sky usually involves
But clearly This The picture was taken without any indication of our palm trees in the tundra
We decided to spend Christmas Break this year with our boys in the Bahamas, a beautiful place where we had never been before
(The gift of Presence over presents )
Every year, we hold an annual conference Annual Family Meeting Over the holidays…
Ideally situated in a new place far from the familiarity
When we reflect on our day WINS From the past year…
Where we reflect on our long-lasting family VALUES …
And the place where we make our home GOALS For the next 12 months…
These include Academic Goals… Athletic Goals… Business Goals… Farm Goals… Personal Goals… and Family Goals
We have only five (5) more Christmas Breaks left for us as a family, with both our boys being at home
One of our targets is to achieve it Last The year was predicted to be a very exciting one Intentional How can we make the most of the remaining school holidays
(Hence this trip.)
I’ve already mentioned that in this life phase, one of my core concerns is Optimizing My business and life are being utilized to their full potential with the remaining time left between us and our two boys
To paraphrase Thoreau :
In numerous aspects, this inquiry — What are you putting in the most effort for? It is my opinion that this should be the central point of emphasis Every We make choices in our business and personal lives
The absence of caution can result in us being easily swayed towards a direction that may not align with our priorities
The presence of a particular piece of advice or shiny object in your social media newsfeed can cause frustration and brain fog
As you start to solidify Your The question for today is what will be the plans for 2025::
What are YOU focusing on to improve your life?
The current topic of discussion is::
Due to a QUESTIO NI ’ve been investigating
AB IG one
I have a strong attachment to something that is constantly in the center of every conversation we’ve had here in this place The Digital Contrarian In the past few months
Today, I am going to tackle a topic that I didn’t discuss until now in this newsletter
Let me explain:
The intersection of Financial wealth, authentic existence, and the emerging “Return to Reality” Movement
Issue of the previous week The process of designing Your Strategic Content ecosystem is described in [#027] , I wrote:
As I write this now, there is a growing evidence that says::
We feel More disconnected than ever Despite our greater digital connectivity than in the past, we still have room for
We feel More burnout than ever Despite the fact that our society has enjoyed more “material wealth” than at any other point in time
The undercurrent of discontent and apathy is present Craving For the intimate, private and Real
And yet…
The most intelligent individuals globally are engaged in discussions about resolving issues related to technology, automation, and AI
Is this the sole viable option for resolving issues?
My goal in this newsletter is to be honest, vulnerable, and raw when communicating with both myself and my readers
Be Curious. Ask Questions. Seek Truth
Although I didn’t intend to, I thought I would share an unrestricted private message I sent to a friend and colleague of mine this week in the interest of transparency Jayson Gaignard (founder of the MM TC ommunity The tension I feel is causing me to doubt my ability to grasp some of the arguments regarding “Real vs. These” manipulative “ideas have been recurring in my thoughts
Here’s what I wrote::
The tension has led me to realize that I may be experiencing the moment of my life’s greatest pleasure Core Question The focal point of my forthcoming book::
To rephrase, in the age of AI-led digital interactions::
I have been asking this question myself
During this journey, I have been conducting thorough research on some areas that I believe you will find informative. I will be discussing these topics today, starting with::
To prevent Making Mistakes in history, We must follow the lessons of History
As I wrote in The Relationship Between Choppy Waters and Life, Part II: Exploring the Secrets of a Successful Pilot As an entrepreneur, one of the most important skills to acquire is the ability to communicate effectively and confidently Specify the future that lies ahead …
It is one of the most efficient ways to do it That , is to learn how to Recognize patterns and cycles Especially with reference to history
Because to quote Mark Twain :
When we scrutinize the data Return to Real Movement The world is currently experiencing a surge in activity within this historical context
This is the tension many of us are feeling right now The use of automation, algorithms, and artificial everything That I described earlier…
Is actually nothing new
Looking back over the last 200 years, we can see that it was from the beginning of the Cold War to the present day Industrial Revolution , each wave of new technology and major societal change has prompted a similar Counter-movement Focused on a revival of sincerity, simplicity, and connection
It should be noted that there are at least some Five distinct movements The last two-and-a-half centuries have exemplified earlier reflections of the present world, beginning with::
The Romantic Movement (Late 18th/19th Century) is the most well-known
The renowned work of Henry David Thoreau is widely recognized by many people Walden As mentioned earlier in this issue, it emerged in the year 1854. Romantic Movement Between the late 18th and mid-19th century, there was a movement against the Industrial Revolution
Industrialization, industrialization that led to urbanization and environmental degradation triggered the Romantic Movement which was focused on” Glorifying nature “” emotional depth “and” critique-defacement “of industrial society
If you haven’t read it, what would you do? Walden Does Thoreau discuss the importance of living in nature, describing how he spent two years practicing self-sufficiency and solitude?. Through his vivid observations and philosophical reflections, he criticizes materialism and advocates for a purposeful existence, an unrestricted view of the natural world, and contemplation. The impact of Thoreau’s work on my life, both as a young man and in adulthood, has been profoundly felt
Next we have…
The Arts & Crafts Movement (Late 19th/20th Century) is the second part of the discussion
The Arts & Crafts Movement (personally my Favorite The artistic and architectural era of history came into being in the late 1800s/early 1900s as a counterpoise to mass production and industrial design, which were deemed dehumanizing and soulless
In the wake of a significant decline in artisanal skills due to mechanization, the Arts & Crafts movement promoted craftsmanship, traditional practices, and reintroduction of handmade products that were both functional and beautiful
Is there any agreement with the current discussions regarding AI technology’s potential as a creative tool?
Side Note: Tylene and I were both undergraduates at Brown, and she delved into the Arts & Crafts Movement while simultaneously majoring in Art History and the History of Decorative Arts: Folk Art:
I have a fond memory of being her study companion in this room 25 years ago, where I assisted her with memorizing flashcards using index cards and glue sticks
This brings us to…
The Back-to-the-Land Movement (1960s-70s) is the third factor
Next, we have the Back-to-the-Land Movement The 1960 and 1970s were characterized by significant events. Due to environmental degradation (again), urbanization (b) and political disillusionment, some individuals resorted to rural areas and self-sufficiency
The themes of environmental stewardship and criticism of consumerism, which were driven by the counter-culture of the 1960s and technological alienation, led to the rise of a new generation of homesteaders
The movement’s guidebook was authored by Helen and Scott Nearing Living the Good Life , first published in 1954, coincidentally released exactly 100 years after Thoreau’s first printing of Walden…
Next we have…
The Slow Living Movement (1980s) is the fourth chapter in this series
Next, we have the Slow Living Movement A backlash against the speed of modern life, globalization, and the exhaustion caused by a lifestyle focused on technology occurred in the 1980s
The outcome of this movement was the development of intentional living, mindfulness, a renewed connection to nature, and reliance on quality over quantity
Which ultimately leads to
Today’s topic of discussion: The Digital Detox Movement
Today marks the beginning of our journey Digital Detox Movement The response to the ubiquitous presence of smartphones, social media, and our lives being dominated by screens is
Cal Newport’s work around the clock approach Digital Minimalism Slow Productivity , and Deep Work Is the focal point of this movement
Various emerging issues, including mental health, privacy, and widespread digital addiction, are present
Now we have
Each of these movements had emerged during a period of technological (or cultural) disruption::
Which begs the question:
The emergence of new technology and major changes in society has resulted in a parallel reaction Authenticity, simplicity, and connection…
These themes being exhibited Repeatedly , over and over again…
It could be argued that the” Return to Real “is indicative of something Implies strongly on our human inclination
And yet…
If there is a profound desire for simplicity and authenticity at the heart of each movement, then it may be true All Of us) …
Why did These Movements fail to gain widespread acceptance in society?
As I continue to research for my upcoming book, I’m becoming more and more intrigued by
I commenced to examine this further
Historians have identified several reasons why::
The First Is connected to a particular aspect Inevitability of Capitalism
Growth, innovation, and consumption are the key factors that enable capitalism to thrive. Movements that prioritize” simplicity and minimalism “become too overwhelming. Capitalism is a carnalistic system that prioritizes efficiency, speed, and scalability over more practical values.)
The Second Has to do with Technological Network Effects
The prevalence of new technologies has led to the creation of” feedback loops “that reinforce their dominance and make it challenging for us to opt-out. G. T he relationship between Social Media and Our dependence on it, despite the potential negative consequences, is something we can all agree on
The Third Has to do with Marginalization of the Fringe
A person’s personality is necessary to challenge societal expectations. Not all individuals possess the same genetic makeup. Most are not. The majority view these movements as impractical or elitist in a certain” countercultural “way. (e. G. T horeau’s Walden Although inspired by contemporary intellectuals, 19th-century Americans were hesitant about the idea and instead focused on progress. ”)
The truth is” progress “is not exclusively based on technological advancements or economic growth
It’s also a matter of emotions and cultural values
Technological progress alone can cause overwhelm and” innovation fatigue ” (seeing myself as a technology failure) This What is the reason behind seeking simplicity as a remedy?
There’s also a Shadow side to capitalism One can experience environmental degradation as a result of economic advancement
Each of the movements mentioned above has emphasized the concealed costs of progress being made, while also proposing alternative approaches to balance out the excesses of modern life
Which brings us to…
4 | What’s Different Now?
It’s a different situation this time
Are there any words that have not yet been used or forgotten?
The current state of the world is characterized by many different aspects Is in fact At a critical point in both technological and environmental significance This The historical moment we are currently occupying::
Environmental Urgency Is The dilemma of our contemporary society
Will the planet be able to sustain our survival?
Burnout Culture Is rampant
How is this” innovation “causing us to feel less happy? And Less healthy? WTF?
Existential A IB acklash Is a thing
So what Is What is the genuine significance and objective of our existence as humans?
Besides these concerns
There is a growing population of Independent Simultaneous movements and silent sedition are occurring globally::
Minimalism, Quiet Quitting, Anti-Hustle Culture, Degrowth, New Stoicism, Rewilding, Homesteading and Home-schooling are among the most common forms of culture exhibited in human cultures FIR EM ovement To mention a few
The themes of opting out and rejecting the current course we are on as a species and society are represented by each
Capitalism could be an ideology founded on In Finite The growth of a finite system. The question of whether this continuous growth is not only sustainable but also sustainable is becoming more and more prevalent Desirable
Which brings us to our second point::
Can” Return to Real “be utilized as a viable business plan to live authentically and earn money?
The “Return to Real” values are not compatible with the scale, efficiency, and optimization required for financial success, according to critics
After all, consumers may Say While they prioritize” analog “, they tend to choose more affordable and convenient options
A local farm provided us with our Thanksgiving turkey, which we plan to raise ourselves next year. A very reasonable amount of $7 was charged. 99/lb. Which meant our 23 lb. Bird cost $183.
My Mom still refers to it as” the million dollar turkey. ”
The Yeti cooler we had brought for our Thanksgiving” Million Dollar Turkey “didn’t quite fit the bill
I am aware of the steps involved in raising, feeding, and caring for the bird
The grocery store was offering feed-lot turkeys for $0, in contrast. How many people, including my family, were going to be weighed between 49 and 100 pounds? Nuts Over. With the cost per pound, it is not enough to cover the expenses of the entire country Water Introducing an animal raised in a sustainable manner
While people are enthusiastic about the concept of a farm-to-table system, they do not want to spend their money on it Costs By purchasing food of that quality, they are investing in the health of both themselves and the planet.)
Critics would Also Argue that while there May The need for authenticity is increasing, but the TAM’s size is insufficient to make it a viable option
While 1,000 True Fans can bring a business, it is impossible to scale beyond that without losing your sense of morality
However, let me clarify::
As I wrote in [Issue #027] — ” What’s rare is worth it. “. ”
Analog Experiences (e. G. S mall scale in-person workshops) Craftsmanship (e. G. H and-written email newsletters), and Personal Connection (e. G. A ctually responding to comments yourself) are becoming Rare In the digital age, creating a premium market for those who deliver them
There is a deep cultural dissatisfaction with the “more, faster, cheaper” paradigm…
Movements like anti-hustle and minimalism have shown there Is in fact demand For what feels real and meaningful…
And herein lies the opportunity:
To quote Buckminster Fuller…
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ”
And I Believe There is a more effective alternative
This is at the Center of the quest I’ve been following this for the past two years::
The move to Vermont…
Developing and cultivating our own food production
The re-branding of my business
It all begins with a moment of deep reflection (and even more vulnerability)
Moment when I realized::
My business became unpalatable, and consequently. I began to harbor resentment towards myself
For those who strive to maintain a life of integrity and financial stability
Is” Return to Real “a feasible business opportunity for me to pursue in the future?
I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t yet found all the answers
In my view, the notion is worth considering Nuanced
Honesty is essential when it comes to certain matters Trade-offs
It requires Creativity In your execution
Acknowledging the incongruity between one’s happiness and wealth is a courageous choice
I am convinced that there is a certainty within me
The more I pull on this string
The more I can sense my own proximity to
To be frank, my primary area of interest today is this::
6 | What Do YO UT hink:
Can you share your thoughts on this matter::
Is it possible to be rich and still lead a fulfilling life?
Are these ambitions contradictory?
” Is the “Return to Real” a feasible replacement? ”
Or is resistance futile?
Send me a brief message
I’m interested in hearing your feedback
If you’ve never emailed me
” The indication “that today is the day: -)
Every note was read by me
It doesn’t matter if it’s just a couple of words
It’s time to wrap up the day by saying
And by the way…
If I don’t have a conversation with you before the end of the year
Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year