

21-Year Old: The Inspiring Story of a Web3 Serial Winner

Netrovert was able to win every single thing he touched. ”

This was how I felt the first time I found Netrovert

Once he participated in a thread contest, my mind just went ‘Forget it, he’s winning again😂’

Dear reader, it’s not every day you encounter a 21-year-old serial winner with over $8,000 earned in just one year

But that’s the story of Ramadan Adenola , better known as Netrovert , a Rising star In the Web3 universe

Netrovert on X

The journey of his career, fueled by a love for “finding easy ways to do hard tasks” and a knack for content creation, is proof that hard work and dedication can provide you with benefits in the Web3 space

Personally, I love Web3 and I love to see people taking a chance on themselves. Combine both, and you’ve made it to my list of people to watch 👀

Hence, I caught up with Netrovert to hear all about how he’s changing the narrative of ‘earning’ in Web3, one thread at a time

Diving Headfirst into Web3

In 2023, Netrovert took the plunge into the Web3 ecosystem, a decision that would change his life. “Job hunting was time-consuming, ” he explains, “so I turned to Web3 thread contests. ”

Smart move

He quickly became a sensation, participating in incentives and winning his first $100 within weeks

The title “The Serial Winner” was bestowed upon him as a symbol of success. ”

No pressure, right?


Winning is a Numbers Game

Netrovert is quick to point out that success isn’t just about winning

“I’ve written 94 threads on Superteam Earn and only won 22 times, ” he reveals

He emphasizes the importance of going the extra mile and asking for feedback, echoing the sentiment of this tweet about winning being a numbers game

Winning is a number’s game

If you get one win out of 20 activities, then you need 100 activities to get 5 wins

Here’s what set him apart👇

The Secret Sauce: Details, Research, and Good Formatting

The first thing Netrovert found after spending time writing threads was that many threadoors failed because they ignored three factors

And he played it to his advantage

His secret sauce?

→ Being detailed


→ Structure; sharing the relevant information and formatting his content well

He also partnered with a designer from his community, Netrovert DAO, to create compelling visual Content

Hence, setting a higher standard than other writers could attain

Talk about teamwork making the dream work!

Superteam: AT urning Point (and a Deadline)

In my past writings, I shared about Superteam (the talent hub of the Solana ecosystem) and the benefits it provides (bounties, community and access)

Well, Netrovert discovered Superteam in November 2023 and it proved to be a turning point

He jumped in (last minute) on a Debridge Finance thread contest squeezed in between exam preparations

“I was reading for exams and writing the contest, ” he recounts. “I ended up submitting close to the deadline. ”

His efforts were so impressive that he won the competition. Talk about precision 🎯

He was rewarded with this triumph and proceeded to conquer more threads

The moment arrived

Feedback to Five Wins

Netrovert narrates the thread’s creation as part of a Kamino Finance competition

As part of his habit of going the extra mile, he reached out to the developers to share his thread link

( There is no room for mishap at Netrovert HQ

What is the Negative feedback that he received?

The length was deemed excessive by them

A concise overview of a longer text, such as No Tl; Dr, can aid in quickly grasping the main concepts

Despite his disappointment, Netrovert’s writing style was refined by using thread outlines and sticking to the expected topics for thread contests

The result?

January 2024 will see five bounty awards

Demonstrate that a small critique can be enough to make favorable remarks

I wonder who will be your shackles

The location for working together is etched in stone at inch

Collaboration is Key

In the aftermath of his triumphs, Netrovert took part in the Solana Scribes Contest 2024, bringing together eight Nigerian writers and four designers to create 34 out of 55 tracks

He clarifies that there were 55 tracks and it was too challenging for a single person to complete the task

He submitted nine songs personally and was able to secure one of his Superteam membership story stories

His hard work has led to him being recognized both locally and globally in the Solana ecosystem and within the Superteam community

The Superteam Leaderboard

Success is characterized by having a lot of friends

Over 200 writers have joined the Superteam (Nigeria) community as a result of Netrovert’s achievements

On merit, he also earned the Superteam membership

He states that becoming a member of Superteam is highly desired. The Solana community offers free e-books as airdrop rewards for joining. G. $PENGU by Pudgy penguins In 2024. ”

Currently, he has the most submissions in the top 100 Superteam Earn leaderboard, ranks 7th globally in the content category, and ranks 30% overall globally

Netrovert on the Superteam Earn leaderboard

These achievements make Netrovert an attractive talent for Web3 projects and he shares

“I’ve worked as an ambassador for projects like Tangible DAO and Olive Network, a content researcher for Axelar and KOL for projects like Backpack, Duckchain and Mint Blockchain, ” says Netrovert

But great things never come from comfort zones

Let’s touch on the challenges

Web3 Dynamism, Success Isolation and The “Nigerian Mentality”

Looking back, Netrovert acknowledges the challenges he’s faced

“There’s basically no days off in this space, ” he admits

“Something is going to happen every single day. ”

This can be a daunting task for those who are new to it

That’s where you can join communities like this Creaitz Arrives and offers real-time assistance, guidance, and most importantly, a frensing welcome

Develop friendships within the Creaitz community

The challenges faced by experienced individuals outweigh any potential obstacles

“There are moments when you lose something, as it is known.”. The assumption that you are doing fine is misunderstood, and Netrovert explains that the presentation is not clear

According to him, he experiences loneliness, where people mistreat his difficulties and exclude him from opportunities and support due to the belief that a man’s achievements are always present

He continues, “I’m a top content writer in this industry, but I was never advertised for jobs before.”

The “Nigerian mentality” he mentions can lead to disunity among Web3 talents, as perceived success may result in exclusion rather than cooperation

He shared with us his thoughts on what he would alter in his journey when asked

If he Could do it All Again

He would take it upon himself to start afresh Gaining more knowledge Prior to the inch dive, make sure to check this box

He admits to having a vague idea of what was going on in this vicinity

He emphasizes the need to maintain a low profile and avoid using terms like “record-winning” that can put unnecessary pressure on others

He states that he wants to avoid being labeled with that particular name

Achieving greater success in Africa with Web3?

In closing Netrovert The objective of Web3 in Africa is to foster growth and development, with a particular emphasis on developing developer talent

The ultimate reason for Web3’s existence is the products that make life easy. ” he states

He thinks that Africa should invest more in developers to not only improve the ecosystem but also shift the perception that Web3 is solely focused on making quick money


A story like this demonstrates the value of community support and the ability to adapt as a Web3 talent

I’m going to be putting in my best effort this year and continue exploring the amazing world of Web3d

Would you like to join me? Kindly share in the comments below

This story I wrote on the right is for you if you liked this piece? The female creator of Web3 who fashioned an unicorn I am currently writing my final post on this topic Hyperliquid

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