ArticleIs the Future of electric vehicles bleak due to mythical ideas about...

Is the Future of electric vehicles bleak due to mythical ideas about car safety?

  • The myth that EVs cannot achieve high speeds is false
  • Myth #2: EVs Are Dangerous
  • The third misconception is that electric vehicles Are Too Small for a Family to fit together
  • Myth #4: Charging Hassles
  • Is it true that the myth #5 about electric vehicles is false?

Are you envious of electric car makers? Is Tesla trying to scare you into paying more for their products? Could it be a Nissan Leaf that Is asking for your attention again?. The popularity of EVs has grown, and they have become increasingly common Significant advantages over gasoline-powered vehicles What is preventing you from moving forward?

Many consumers find it challenging to justify the expense of electric vehicles, citing several reasons. We’ve compiled a list of the five most common misconceptions and myths about eco-friendly rides

The myth that EVs cannot achieve high speeds is false

This is essentially preposterous. By generating torque, electric vehicles can accelerate at a faster rate than conventional cars.  

Even though gas-powered cars may have a higher top speed, it is subjective and depends on the car’s make and model

The Audi e-tron, Jaguar I-Pace, and Ford Mustang Mach-E electric SUV are among the EVs that can reach speeds of anywhere from 124 to 128 mph. The e-tron GT of Audi can reach a remarkable 156 mph speed.  

Nissan’s popular and affordable Leaf takes less than 7 seconds to reach 60 mph and can travel up to 98 miles per hour at top speed. It is evident that EVs have the ability to function efficiently.  

Despite the fact that gasoline-powered cars typically have faster top speeds, electric vehicles are more efficient in accelerating

Myth #2: EVs Are Dangerous

Despite the current state of distracted driving and road rage, driving an electric or gasoline-powered car poses a risk. Lots of it

EVs are not as hazardous as conventional cars, according to the evidence.  

EVs are known to be at risk of fire, which is a major issue Lithium ion batteries Are very high voltage Could Start a potentially hazardous process known as ” Thermal runaway

This term refers to the battery becoming too hot and sending heat to its surroundings, resulting in smoke, fire, and potentially an explosion

Additionally, some auto industry experts have cited fast charging as potentially raising fire risks but there hasn’t been any substantial data to support this theory

Tesla’s Second annual Impact Report Says electric car fires are rare. In fact, from 2012 to 2020, the was one Tesla fire per 205 million miles traveled versus one car fire per 19 million miles traveled for all other vehicle types

While it’s true that electrical fires can trigger longer-burning fires because of the size of the battery banks in the vehicle, there is plenty of longtime evidence to show that gasoline cars catch on fire as well

At this time, it’s too soon to know for sure about concrete fire risks and whether or not they are greater than, less than, or about the same as the risks on traditional gas-powered vehicles.  

Myth #3: EVs Are Too Small for a Family

Some folks mistakenly believe that EVs are sporty little rides geared more toward tech-y commuters in Silicon Valley than soccer moms in the suburbs

There are scores of EVs on the market that are roomy enough for families of all sizes, including the Kia Niro EV, Nissan Leaf, and Chevy Bolt, all of which seat five

EVs on the market today also boast tons of family-friendly technology, like infotainment systems with smartphone integration, and USB charging ports. Add in the typical trunk and EVs even come out roomier most of the time as well

Too small for an average family? Nah

EV sizes are increasing Seven-seater EVs are in development now and a school district in San Diego County has begun replacing diesel-powered school buses with electric buses

Myth #4 Charging an E VI s Too Expensive, Takes Too Long, or Is Too Much Hassle 

OK, so there may be a little bit of a learning curve when it comes to charging an E V. Y es, you need to charge it on a regular, if not daily, basis

Yes, it can take a little time, and yes, it can be a hassle—but only if you don’t understand what’s required of you as the owner of an electric vehicle

Once you understand the basics, however, it’s not any more of a hassle than waiting in line at the nearest Chevron station, waiting to gas up.  

Let’s tackle the” expensive-to-charge “argument first. The Alternative Fuels Data Center Explains the cost like this: If electricity costs $0.13 per kilowatt-hours (kWh) and the vehicle consumes 33 kWh to travel 100 miles, the cost per mile is about $0.04.

If electricity costs $0.13 per kilowatt-hour, charging an EV with a 200-mile range (assuming a fully depleted 66 kWh battery) will cost about $9 to reach a full charge

That doesn’t seem like much to fully recharge, especially with the national gas price hovering around $3.60 per gallon in the summer.  

So, yes. It can take time to charge an EV at home but if you’re sleeping while it happens, who cares?  

As for the time it takes to charge? Well, that depends on the type of charging unit you’re using

A fast charger can fill most EV batteries to about 80% in less than 60 minutes, but that can add wear and tear to your battery, so it’s recommended you only do that when on long road trips

It’s an option, though, which means the old fears of” can’t charge an EV fast “are out the door

It’s a better idea to get in the habit of charging your car overnight, using your at-home charger

If you think you need to reach 100% after every charge, you don’t. In fact, according to a 2020 University of Michigan study looking at the best ways to preserve battery life, a lithium ion battery shouldn’t drain to below 20% or charge past 80%.  

Myth #5 EVs Aren’t Reliable 

This myth has been around since the first electric vehicles appeared on the market. There really isn’t much difference between gas-powered cars and EVs when it comes to reliability.  

Data from sources like Consumer Reports Shows that EVs in the $35,000-$45,000 range have a much higher reliability rating than luxury electric cars in the $75,000 and up range

Part of the reason EVs should be more reliable than traditional cars is the simple fact that they have fewer moving parts and aren’t as complex, but automakers just don’t have as much experience with EVs as they do with traditional vehicles. Plus, the technology is still new and evolving

While it’s true an EV battery can fail, most automakers have an eight to 10-year or 100,000 miles warranty on their batteries.  

Also, don’t confuse reliability with lack of preparation: You need to charge your EV regularly (most recommended overnight, every night) to ensure it will take you to all the places you want to go.  

Do your research, scope out the EV you want, and enjoy all the perks that come with driving an electric car.  

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