IF %ked Up. And You Should Too
Photo by Brett Jordan On Unsplash
How often do you hear that? I’m not sure it’s as common as some people say
People claim that they take responsibility for their failures “I f %ked up. Those who refuse to acknowledge responsibility will accuse others and blame them “You f %ked up. Chaos in relationships, businesses, and life as a whole is caused by this fundamental factor
When you have the courage to say something “I f You take charge of the situation by putting your own foot forward. The problem that you are in charge of is also the responsibility of you Responsibility to fix it These are the individuals who will eventually become such Find fulfillment Create a supportive atmosphere around them
Find those people. Be around them
In the event that you are surrounded by individuals who fail to acknowledge their mistakes Take your time and run as far as you can
Beware of Energy Vampires
The term was coined by Dandapani, a Hindu monk who followed in his footsteps Energy vampires People who deplete your energy levels every time you encounter them. He says: ‘You may not be able to remove them entirely, but you can Should be mindful What you talk about with them?. The wrong questions can sometimes make the conversation less engaging and more engrossing
Conversely, observe someone with the same temperament as you Warren Buffett Asked about his biggest investment mishaps, he said: “How many hours do you have left?” Following that, he openly talked about his failures
His mistakes were acknowledged and it contributes to his personality
Why do IA lways feel guilty for My mistakes?
I made a conscious decision to acknowledge my mistakes in the beginning
Shortly after, it caused discomfort. In the end, it provided me with something invaluable — Accountability and growth
My fault was entirely my own and no one else. This behavior was not self-important; it was a reflection of the truth A matter of pride The act of admitting your mistakes can lead to a positive outcome Learn from them
There is No Such Thing as a “bad” decision
People don’t make Good Or Bad Choices
They simply make Choices based on their current circumstances and available data Certain choices will yield excellent outcomes. When others look back, they will seem awful. The truth is that you never know for sure Until time passes
Refrain from dwelling on regret Learn and move on
My Next F%k-Up Is Just Around the Corner*
I have had the opportunity to work in a range of industries, such as staffing, restaurants, telecom stores, software consulting, and movie production. Some individuals earned money, while others did not. Nevertheless, each enterprise introduced me to them New challenges and lessons learned?
Today, I run a Software consulting business I am in the midst of developing a project Real estate investment platform This permits individuals to invest in markets around the world. Regardless of my level of experience, I am aware that I will achieve success New Mistakes
I won’t hide it when I make a bad impression
I’ll say it loudly:: “I f%ked up. ” *