It’s clear to me that humans are naturally inclined towards perfectionistic behavior, which can only be explained by reason “welldone” “It’s easy to say that it could have been done better” she said, while others responded with a more thoughtful comment. Believe me, the majority of those who criticize are incapable of doing half as much as they should. Nonetheless, this vacation is set for another day. What is the reason behind people’s criticism? They criticize things because they believe that certain actions can be improved Perfection
Perfection is a desirable quality, but the guilt associated with it prevents people from taking action. The burden of guilt has led to individuals hesitant to pursue their aspirations, question their own abilities, and wait for the perfect moment. Can we ever truly determine the correct time?
The perfect timing, atmosphere, and waiting for it has caused a delay in the birth of many beautiful things. Waiting for the right moment to initiate something or send a message is another way in which I feel guilty. The realization that nothing is flawless hit the nail on the head, prompting me to start practicing. How did I start?
During a cozy Tuesday night, I was suddenly inspired to write my first post and manage social media and all of the other tasks in one fell swoop. The tone of the conversation was as follows::
“Are you busy?” “Nah.” “Okay, good. Create all the social accounts using this name and publish this post. How long will it take?” “I don’t know.” “You have an hour.”
In my head, I was like, what????????: It’s not ready. It’s not good enough. But there was a push, I didn’t feel my content was perfect yet, but I decided not to contest it; I just did it. I was like, how bad could it be? What’s the worst that could happen? Zero likes or one from me, i’ll probably gather all my family members to like my post😅
I made the post; the content wasn’t perfect. It had errors, and I kept editing even after I had already published it. I noticed the errors because I always go back to read my contents and giggle like a child😂. When you go back to read something you wrote, there is no way you wouldn’t restructure sentences, add full-stops, tweak commas, and any possible adjustment you can make, while you still have the chance. Thankfully, some platforms allow edits. But what about those that don’t? Should I take the post down? Nah. I leave it as evidence of growth— omg, I feel so mature🤭
I once missed a job opportunity because I was waiting for the “right time. ” Here’s the back story: I saw the job posting at night, the job description was giving; you know, something I excelled in, and I said to myself with so much confidence, “I’ll apply in the morning”— That feels like a better time and a more professional time right; because night was close of business (COB). The deadline wasn’t stated, so I assumed I had time. By morning, the application had closed (but why was I bothered about COB when I haven’t even gotten into the business🤷♀️) I regretted not applying the night before. I missed the chance because I was waiting for perfect timing. Lesson learned. We move✈️
The idea that everything has to be perfect from the beginning is just in your head. Even the people you admire, yes, those who seem to have mastered their craft, most times don’t feel the same way even with their best work, they keep making changes; innovating just to get to that point. They didn’t start out perfect, no one was born perfect. What feels perfect today may not be in years to come. So what’s the buzz about?
Perfection is a process. Perfection takes time. Perfection evolves
Why do you think we always have app updates/system updates? Because it was perfect when launched and some months after they discovered it could be better and they will keep discovering. You see? So, why don’t you just launch and update as you go
That idea may not be perfect—just do it. You may not start flawlessly, and that’s okay. Just do it. Is it growing slowly? Good. It’s a work in progress. Now is the bothersome question: When is the perfect time to start? When is the perfect time to send that message?
You will never know until you start— free your mind from “the guilt of perfection” and Just start At the end of the day, it’s all in your head