What Is the meaning of the “Let Them” Theory?
Emotional Awareness and Self-Reflection
Advantages and disadvantages of the Theory
The Effects on Relationships and Personal Well-being
How to Apply the “Let Them Theory”?
We all have a tendency to manipulate our surroundings and surroundings to some degree. The survival instinct is a natural and typical way of life 1. Sometimes, we take that instinct too seriously and try to manipulate others. We become annoyed when they don’t behave in the way we want them to
Have you ever been told something that someone else wouldn’t want you to hear? Take a deep breath The “let them” theory may be the answer to your psychological question, allowing you to let go of need for supervision. This theory helps to create a sense of calmness by redirecting attention from what is within reach to how to simply do nothing. Stop that. We’ll explore further the details
What Is the meaning of the “Let Them” Theory?
The theory was first introduced by Mel Robbins, a podcaster and motivational speaker, in her book released in 2024. 2. As she puts it , “The Let Them Theory is a step-by-step guide on how to stop letting other people’s opinions, drama, and judgment impact your life. The theory is centered on the idea that individuals can simply do what they want without any prior knowledge of the book
It’s likely that you’re already allowing others to do the same, but you may be excessively preoccupied with them and trying to influence their behavior. According to this theory, it is recommended that you break free from that lifestyle and instead let others take on their own Release control , and in turn, it will help you feel more settled and relaxed
According to Terri Orbuch, PhD, a therapist and professor at Oakland University in Michigan, the” Let Them “theory asserts that we cannot influence or dominate others ‘thinking and behavior. According to her, the act of letting go is something that can be accepted by those who say” let them “in We are unable to influence the thoughts or behaviors of others , and we can’t influence them to meet our expectations.”
Additionally, she says you’re not giving up control of everything—only the areas of your life that you have no control over anyway. “The ‘Let Them’ theory does not argue that you need to let go of all control, totally. But instead, understand what you can control and what you can’t” she explains
Emotional Awareness and Self-Reflection
Letting others do what they will, and detaching yourself from that process, can do wonders for your own Mental wellness “The” let them “theory promotes Emotional awareness By encouraging you to observe and accept the emotional experiences of others without trying to control or intervene” says Dr. Sanam Hafeez, NY CN europsychologist Director of Comprehend the Mind
When you do that, it will help you see your Emotions More clearly. “We become aware of our own emotions and what affects our emotions. We also shift the focus to what we can control—our own emotions and needs, and when we do, we become less frustrated and happier” says Orbuch
Once you understand your emotions better, you can start to work with them. Says Hafeez, ” This Introspection Can expose you to fears of failing or discomfort with indecision, so you can know your emotional triggers.” From there, she explains that “this practice eventually helps you notice and control your own emotions and become more emotionally aware and developed.”
Advantages and disadvantages of the Theory
The theory has many potential benefits, but it’s not always straightforward to implement. Let’s examine its benefits and why it can be a tough task to execute
Ultimately, employing the let them theory could result in feeling more melancholy. “If you let go of them, you’ll experience a decrease in worry, frustration, and stress.” Stress Orbuch asserts that it is about the perception of others regarding you. From there, you can learn to be flexible and less preoccupied with the specific outcomes you want to see occurring at every opportunity
This will enhance your ability to adapt and be more flexible. According to Hafeez, releasing control makes it simpler to adjust to changing circumstances, which in turn fosters resilience and an unrestricted approach to life. ”
The let them theory can also help you improve your overall mental health. Hafeez notes that” trying to control everything can contribute to burnout and feelings of frustration. Letting go can reduce mental exhaustion and promote a healthier mindset. ”
Obruch suggests that this release of mental space can lead to a more fulfilling life. If you spend less time and emotional energy trying to get others to meet your expectations, she suggests spending more time on yourself and enjoying your own interests. She suggests that you can sleep better by reducing your anxiety about others not meeting your expectations or how others perceive you.”
Of course, just because we want to make a change doesn’t mean it’s a quick switch to flip. Implementing the let them theory can actually go against a lot of our instincts. Hafeez says everything from cultural expectations to our natural desires to Help others Can get in the way here
Additionally, the let them theory can bring up our own difficulties in life; Haffez says personal Insecurity Can ramp up, noting that “a fear of being seen as inadequate or uninvolved can drive the instinct to intervene. If someone feels insecure about their worth or role, they may feel compelled to take control to prove themselves valuable or competent.”
The let them theory demands a great deal of trust, and some individuals do not feel the same way about those in their personal lives. Orbuch argues that we are anxious about the opinions of others who make judgments about us. Hafeez notes that if you lack confidence in yourself or others, it can be difficult to step back and let things happen naturally without interference. ”
The Impact on Relationships and Personal Well-being
Once you’ve tackled the challenges of the let them theory, you can watch it play out positively in your life. It can improve both your personal relationships and your own sense of emotional wellness
Obruch tells us that you’re likely to be happier overall, both on your own and in relation to the people in your life.” When we don’t set expectations that can’t be met, we are happier “she notes. She also says that you’re likely to feel reduced stress, and to have an overall larger sense of calm than you currently might
You also might enjoy the people in your life more than you currently do, once you implement the” let them “theory.” It can make the relationship seem more real as each side is able to say what they want without being judged or interfered. This allows the relationship to be built on trust, acceptance and authenticity “says Hafeez
She says this can also help you know others better, telling us that” By not trying to dictate or control everything, you allow the other person to be themselves fully. When you don’t try to’ fix ‘everything, it shows that you appreciate the person for who they are, not because they fit into your picture or your vision. ”
How to Apply the” Let Them Theory “?
It’s tempting to have an idea, but where do you begin? Luckily, the process is uncomplicated
To begin with, it’s important to manage how often you’re attempting to manipulate others. Instructs Orbuch to create a list that tracks the number of occasions when you’re anxious about someone’s thoughts or behavior
Afterward, Orbuch suggests creating a calendar or journal. You always wonder why someone behaved in a certain way or didn’t meet your expectations, and you feel the need to stop and say” let them be happy. “. Let them think or act like that. Let them be them. Put it on your calendar, she says
Her advice is to mark your emotions and reactions in your diary, as she suggests. Can you expect to experience stress reduction, relaxation, strength, and confidence? She suggests practicing this mental shift multiple times a day for 21 days
Hafeez advises you to maintain your demeanor throughout the process Active listener Rather than consistently providing solutions.” Reflect any potential negative feedback or advice from others and remain attentive when someone expresses their feelings or thoughts. “. Simply being there can help them feel heard and supported, as she points out
If individuals do not seek advice, discontinue giving it:” If they haven’t sought your input, refrain from asking. She states that offering guidance without being sought can sometimes feel like a masterstroke, even when it is done with good intentions
As you go through it, make sure to include: Set clear boundaries Concerned about your actions and behaviors. Hafeez suggests recognizing when you’re overstepping your boundaries and setting clear boundaries to avoid getting too involved in someone else’s personal life. Ultimately, you must incorporate confidence into the equation, even if it’s not your first preference. “Induce autonomy in others’ choices, even if you’re uncertain about their decision-making.”. Her advice is to trust that their mistakes are a source of learning
Bottom Line
The let them theory is a straightforward concept to comprehend, but it poses greater emotional challenges when implemented. It suggests that we will become happier without trying to control others. Instead of always offering guidance, being concerned about other people’s future, and feeling frustrated when they don’t make the right decisions, we tend to take a step back and allow them to do their job
Separating ourselves from uncontrollable outcomes can lead to feelings of happiness, relaxation, and frustration in our relationships with others. If you’re not prepared to use journaling as a formal application of this theory, try practicing it on and off for different experiences. The let them theory can help you become less invested in outcomes that are beyond your control, regardless of the method you use
Iyengar SS, Ochsner KN, Leotti LA The importance and purpose of being born to choose: the origins of the need for self-determination Tr Ends in cognitive sciences 2010; 14 (10): 4
Robbins M. The Let Them Theory is AL ife-Changing Tool That has been relied upon by Millions of People Hay House, Inc; 2024.
By Ariane Resnick, CNC Ariane Resnick, CNC is a mental health writer, certified nutritionist, and wellness author who supports accessibility and inclusivity