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Snowshoe Cat

Snowshoe Overview

Official Name Snowshoe
Common Name Snowshoe
Pet Height 8 to 13 inches
Pet Weight 7 to 14 pounds
Lifespan 14 to 20 years
Good With Cats, children, dogs, families, seniors:
Temperament Affectionate, sociable
Intelligence High
Shedding Amount Occasional
Playfulness High
Energy Level Active
Vocal Level Frequent
Coat Length Short
Colors Black, ebony, blue, grey and chocolate are the color choices
Patterns Color point
Other Traits Easy to groom, trained, affable towards humans, other pets, strangers, is a good lap cat, has strong loyalty, tolerates being picked up by the collar, and can even handle scratches

The snowshoe cat breed effortlessly blends features of both The antelope and pikadehy Siamese And American shorthair This creates a beautiful feline that shares similarities with both her appearance and personality, but also maintains an exceptional individuality

A medium-large, healthy, and long-lived snowshoe is A loyal family pet and affectionate companion of her people

Our conversation with a veterinarian included all the necessary information about the snowshoe’s temperament, living conditions, care, and health issues


A snowshoe that resembles a combination of Siamese and American shorthair would be considered unusual. The snowshoe maintains much of the Siamese’s body length while adding a touch of American shorthair to its thicker coat Medium-large, moderately built cat The beauties come in different head shapes, such as triangular or apple-shaped, and some of them have markings on Their faces, including an upside down “V” marking Standards For the breed. The ear segments are pointed and wide, while the eyes have a walnut form and are typically blue or brownish in color

A short, single-coated, color-pointed strand is The hallmark of this snowshoe. Fawn, chocolate, and blue are the most commonly used colors, but they can also be Darker Black Orange , and lilac are also possible. Their paws are white, which is why they have Their own distinct appearance. The white can extend to different degrees on The legs, but if it exceeds The maximum size requirements, it may be classified as a purebred snowshoe and not eligible for breeding or showage


Although Snowshoes can display various personality traits, the cat will always be a loyal companion regardless of her temperament. Some are playful showoffs Want to learn tricks and games? To keep you engrossed and full of amusement. A few individuals become devoted family members, seeing themselves as equal partners in the family unit and anticipating participation in all aspects of life. A few individuals will assume the role of defender, attaching the most importance to one person in the household and frequently being unafraid Disheartening to leave that individual behind

No matter the personality type of your snowshoe, they are all highly social cats Interacting well with children , other cats, and Cat-friendly dogs The use of single-pet snowshoes is a common practice as They do not typically perform well on their own May develop separation anxiety If they are left alone at home for an extended period

Your snowshoe will make a strong impression When you come into your presence, either with cuddles or other companionship Or animated chatting Even snowshoes who are more talkative tend to be somewhat less vocal than their Siamese predecessors

Chyrle Bonk, DV M, a veterinary writer, notes that snowshoes can be loud like the Siamese or quiet like those found in American shorthair Hepper “The individual’s breeding heritage will be the determining factor in their genetic makeup.”. ”

Snowshoes are Highly intelligent cats , can be Trained to walk on leashes , appreciate a good game of fetch, and Often enjoy splashing around in water

Living Needs

Snowshoes tend to be active, athletic cats who respond well to games and activities that keep them moving, Bonk says. Getting a Multi-level cat tree Or even a Running wheel Will be a much-appreciated gift They enjoy toys But might grow bored if you’re not there to play alongside them. Keep a variety on hand to keep your smarty snowshoe entertained

Snowshoes get along well with children, cats, and dogs, so homing them in large families or multi-pet homes should be a breeze. In fact, fellow furry friends are encouraged due to the snowshoe’s low tolerance for being alone

Whether you have dogs or cats for your snowshoe to play with, early and proper socialization will be a game changer

” [When] Introducing a kitten to other pets , if we’re not aware of how those other animals are going to interact, we’ll want to control the environment as much as we possibly can “says Carol Margolis, DV M, DA C T, of the Gold Coast Center for Veterinary Care On Long Island, NY.” Being home 24/7 for the first week is a great idea, so you can be home to interrupt any behaviors that you want to stop. Patience is going to be the name of the game. ”


Bonk assures that it will be effortless to keep a single coat of your snowshoe, which has short hair. These cats require just one weekly brushing session to maintain their shiny, contented and attractive appearance

Snowshoes Don’t shed much , so you don’t have to worry about pulling out the lint roller every time you leave the house. These breeds are not low-shedding, so it’s important to keep this in mind Kitties are hypoallergenic No dog or cat is truly extinct Completely Hypoallergenic). Before bringing a Snowshoe kitten home, test your tolerance for the common sniffle or sneeze behavior in close proximity to cats

Snowshoes, Like all felines, require their own home Nails regularly trimmed (so it won’t hurt When your cat is chugging biscuits, what’s going on? In your lap) and theirs Maintaining a clean Litter box is important


Exceptional toughness and health have been demonstrated in The snowshoe breed. The breed, as described by Bonk, can reach maturity in their late adolescence or early twenties.” They are generally in good health, but may have some Siamese problems like kinked tails and crossed eyes. “. The problems are only cosmetic and do not pose any health risks to the cats

Cats have other concerns, such as the usual cat problems Kidney disease And Heart disease The breed of snowshoe is likely to be less than ten percent worried about


The snowshoe breed, like many other cat breeds, evolved from a specific cat with ‘recessive’ traits that prompted veterinary professionals to suggest it might be the new species. Dorothy Hinds-Daugherty of Philadelphia was the breeder of the snowshoe, and her trait was to have white feet on three Siamese cats from a litter In the early 1960s

Hinds-Daugherty bred the cats to produce color points and white feet by breeding them with an American shorthair, then transferred their bodies to human hands Those The Siamese kitty and feline companions are related. The desired effect was achieved With some effort

Yet, snowshoes Created a distinct and challenging type of human The primary breed characteristics of certain breeds are dependent on recessive genes, which is why they use this genetic code for reproduction. It is still difficult to get cats to produce the coloration and patterns they desire, as no two snowshoes look exactly the same

During the 1970s, Hinds-Daugherty abandoned the breeding program and Vikki Olander assumed control. Olander was The first to write The breed standard and worked tirelessly to promote The use of snowshoes in organizations such as CF F, AC A, and TI C A. D espite the challenging course, the snowshoe was declared the champion by both the CF F in 1983 and TI C An in 1993.

Fun Facts

  • Snowshoes are made entirely of white material from the very beginning According to TI C A Their recognizable hues manifest in Their early years
  • Dusty the Klepto Kitty A snowshoe who Is notorious for his past of committing cat burglary?. The date of his appearance on” The Late Show “with David Letterman was in February 2011. According to the report, Dusty had taken a total of eighty-six car wash mitts, two pool tables and three restaurant items
  • She is The most renowned snowshoe in The world Millions of Instagram followers It was probably not a complete snowshoe in disguise. Grumpy Cat (also known as Tardar Sauce, who passed away in 2019) remains a popular meme icon thanks to her humorous and unpleasant frown. Despite having the facial features of a snowshoe, her owners assert that She was born to calico mother and blue-and-white tabby father. Her famous frown was caused by A form of dwarfism and underbite

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